City? That burger sounds great? Dry aged you say? Now it sounds awesome!!!

I understand you're thinking, however how come it took three freaking years for the charges to drop?

Was this another if we have him under indictment the year of the election, no one will vote for him? Do they not realize that they can delay all of the trials? He should have been tried within 6 months of him leaving office. Very few people would have been able to use the same arguments that they are now.

Monumentally stupid thinking by Democratic party strategists if that's where this came from. And I only thought it was Republican strategists that could not think of the consequences after their action. Think two or three steps down the line, not just the next step people.

Not a snarky question, just truly wondering.

I have had to clean every place I have ever moved into just so I know that it got completely clean. Then I maintain it.

Is this the first time you have ever moved out on your own? The only reason I ask this question is having the landlord do any type of cleaning after you move in is highly unusual. Sometimes you can get them to spring for a professional maid service like Merry maids to come in and clean if it was really bad. But usually that is before you move your stuff in. Once you are in and they have the security deposit and the first month, cleaning is pretty much up to you.

Now maintenance of everything else, such as dishwasher stopped working, heater or air conditioner failing, or any plumbing issue except for a clogged drain, is usually on the landlord. The problem is you must contact the landlord immediately for them to dispatch someone. (In my case I offered to install the new dishwasher, and my landlord told me to just go ahead and pay for the professional installation and send him the receipt).

Any clogged drain, you pretty much have to take care of before it causes any other damage or you are liable for the damages. It is called reasonable care.

I agree with pulling the covers off of the baseboard heaters to clean them before the first time you turn them on or it stinks as it burns off the accumulated dust. The other thing you can do is to buy a can of air and spray it in there to knock the dust off the heating elements before you turn them on. Regardless, it will only be the first time that you will smell anything

Good luck.

My suggestion would be to take one of the people from your company and put them on the crew as lead from the referring company working under your banner.

This way your people become better at managing jobs and making sure that the job is done to your standards.

If you are referring jobs out to a different company, if they are working under their banner, then if they don't do it to your standard, the reputation hit is on them.

If the other company balks At your guy being lead, just let them know that they are working under your name and that your owner want someone from your company on the crew. Blame it on someone other than you. Usually a mythical higher up.

And as said above, raise your prices slightly, and let the people know that you are booking a certain amount out.

As for summer help, look at advertising at career centers at colleges or flyers around high schools.

Keep your regular crew all year and use these as fill in with your regular crew doing the lead for each of the jobs and making sure they get done to your standards

Good luck!

Have you considered including the adhesive with the note in the ad that "this is what we recommend to do the job right.". I think people owning tractors want the job done right more than a lower price. Just wondering...

FMLA allows you to take unpaid leave for up to 30 days for health reasons for yourself or for next of kin. And they have to let you have your job back when that leave is up. Your HR department has all the details

Project farm in YouTube to figure out which make of tool to buy when you need to buy one. But it for life.

Or harbor freight if you think you will only use it two or three times. Line a basin wrench to change out bath fixtures. As cheap as you can find is great. But using pliers in near impossible. Right tool is worth its weight in gold.

So, a happy ending followed by a happy ending?

Seriously though, congratulations to them both.

And this is my question as well. I see trump getting a figurehead president candidate and he gets elected as VP. Then president resigns.

Possible? I think the 22nd talks about elections only.

Specialty mill item. I have only seen true 2x4s on rough cedar And that was a few years ago in a specialty lumber yard. I think you can get it ordered anywhere.

I was getting some redwood 1x12s and had to have a special chamfer in them on one side. Brought in an example to my local lumber yard and they sent it to the mill to have the board's shaped before they were sent

Because you won't involuntarily commit the people with severe mental disorders. That's why.

Ok 3 guesses on who thought that up and posted on what social media....

Since when??? McCormick used to have the best bacon bits!!


Funeral homes have the death certificates. You don't have to go through the county.

Ask someone else at the funeral home.

You absolutely can recommend someone you actually worked with 5 years ago. Being good at your job and easy to get along with usually doesn't change. And look at other linked in profiles. Most don't have any recommendations.

Absolutely ask people to write one in linked in for you. Or write a sample for them to edit and post.

But go for it and try. It may just work.

So the change was the Jack Welch-ification of Best Buy. Means they are done for soon. When Fry's stopped stocking a lot of stuff, that was when I knew they were going under.

People making suggestions to you is not always criticism. Most of the time it is just a suggestion. They don't see it as criticism, so you should not take it that way either...

Reflects the diversity of LA...

Um. I have to disagree.

Waaaay too much emphasis on Israel and middle east for the last 10 years or more. Less than one article a week on China or Mexico or Canada and the economic ties and situations in those countries. Hardly ever anything on Armenia with a huge population here.

No, they tend to only focus on south of the 101 and west of the 710. I used to jokingly refer to it as the West LA Times

Hardly anything on the San Gabriel Valley (highly diverse region, just not black-white-hispanic diverse which is all they seen to think diversity is), rarely anything in Simi valley, Santa Clarita, or the beaches up by Ventura and Oxnard ( where a LOT of movie and television workers moved to). And Orange County (and South) does not exist to them it seems.

Is it worth it? Had a subscription for years. Then cut down to Thursday through Sunday, then finally just Sunday . Then cut the digital as well. Rarely have a Google news feed referring to an article that I can't find from another source.

Digital probably is worth it for the intro time period. And I do support local news; San Gabriel Valley Tribune subscriber, along with Washington Post, NYT, and WSJ, but will be cancelling that one (WSJ) as too pricey.

But it just seems the news coverage is not enough boots on the ground. Moving their offices out of Downtown did not help that at all. And it shows.

But these are just my opinions and views. People like to read things that reinforce their views. I am weird that I like to read differing viewpoints on more day to day news.


So the daughter was practicing flamenco dancing??

When in college I worked a loading dock from 8 pm to 2 am. Came home to the girlfriend and went to sleep. This went on for a couple weeks.

She complained I should take a shower. I disagreed. I was"too tired".

A buddy came to visit. I told him of the disagreement. With the girlfriend out of the room, he looked over at me and asked me I f I thought she was hot. I said absolutely. He said there are multiple guys, him included, that would gladly shower to be next to her and naked.

This changed my attitude quickly.

Bonus was as I was clean and smelling nice, sexy time began to happen on a regular basis when I got home from the job. (She actually started to go to sleep one hour early in preparation for me coming home later and "waking her up". )

Show him this response. It may change his mind.

Also I was more relaxed so I was better at things too.


Yes, you are insecure. She is your girlfriend, she is not blind

But like you said, notice it and move on.

Your coworkers are not doing you any favors by including you in their girl talk. I am sorry you have to hear that. It can be debilitating to an ego to have them talk about these guys they consider perfect and the rest of us will never get within 25 % of being that physically attractive.

Remember, you have other qualities that she likes you for . And when she tells you what they are, believe her.

I used to love my girlfriends little tummy bulge. Fit my hand perfectly when spooning. (A great memory). But she hated it. I was finally able to convince her of how much I liked that thing she considered a flaw.

So don't compare yourself to any celebrity, and realize we are all wired to seek out mates, even if we found one already. Because a wolly mammoth could sneak up on our biological ancestors at any time. But it doesn't mean we would leave our current mate for another. Quite the opposite actually. Tends to make us appreciate our mates more.

But being in insecure is a big turn off for most women. Just so you are aware. Good luck.