Unfortunately the place that does OOP genetic screening (invitae) has gone bankrupt. You can however request an echocardiogram and a CTA Cat scan of your heart to check the health. In the Cat scan they give you metropolol or similar to slow your heart rate down to the 50s so they can take a photo between each beat.

I'm at risk for thoracic aortic dissection and or aneurysm so I need to get mine checked regularly.

If you're worried about your vascular health, I'd get this done asap.

This is a pretty common bug you can get around by crafting something at the crafting table or by repairing your gear. Happens to me a lot.

I have! Its a small one just for my group chat friends tho. But it works!

Yeah unfortunately there are a lot of aide quest duplicates like this. Just store them as they shouldnt take up any room

It's a prep station meal

1 ingame day is 1 real life hour

Go to bahari bay and mine, you'll get tons of gemstones to sell :)

I was so excited to get mine but I'm returning it. It just stutters too much and disconnects too often even after trying every single fix I can find.

All quests and story line that I've run into so far (lvl 40) are non mmo centered. You don't need a buddy to do much of anything.


There is one quest where you need to gift 5 people things but you can do that easily without interacting with people by using the requests menu and filling other playings item requests.

There is a specific type of item you need to farm for late game that you cannot get by yourself. Usually when said Item is found in game users use the chat feature and a flare and everyone comes running to take care of it together.

Those are the only CENTRAL parts of the game you need people for so far. Again, I'm only lvl 40.

You get buffs for doing things with people, fishing buffs, everyone gets something from the same node if you hit it once and let others hit it. Etc.

But you can play the game almost completely alone and just ignore the other players if you wish until you're looking for that specific item.

Wait. What!? Link me????

Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follet

Massive. I dont know another rpg with as much gameplay as skyrim has. I'm on my millionth playthrough and I'm lvl 31 and have got over 60hrs just doing side quests and they're seemingly never ending. I haven't finished a single major storyline yet.

I did 40 lat 50 long on this base and it was great. Set up water collection as it rains quite frequently you'll be good to go.

My OOP was 10k with insurance and he was born at the end of the year as a high risk pregnancy. I wanna say we had met about 5k already through the course of the pregnancy so we owed another 5k. 2018 cigna insurance

Hondas do run hot naturally but if it's decreased over the years and recharge doesnt help you need to get it looked at again.

Bottom surgery 2nd opinion Colorado


Surgery just got done with a very scary surgeon. Mtf, looking for someone in Colorado to look at the surgical site asap and make sure it was done correctly.

Trying not to get hit with a libel suit, but you guys prolly know who. (Not based in Colorado)

Please help.


Hello, I'm a nontraditional student (30f) and this is my first time applying for undergraduate school.

Besides Fafsa and COF are there any school or local scholarships I need to be looking at? I'm going to do a BIO major and try to get as many med requirements as possible, (goal is to go to med school) I know UCCS doesn't have a true pre-med program. I am talking to an admissions advisor next friday.

I have an unweighted GPA of 3.02 and a weighted gpa of 5.25. I'm taking an ACT tomorrow to help better my odds of being accepted in general, I'm looking at a 28-30 composite if we go off my practice tests.

I am a homeowner, married with dependant, non working but my spouse makes 105k and I'm not sure if that matters for scholarships/grants.

Thanks for any and all help.

Nontraditional student

I'm applying to UCCS for a bio BS and I'm a little out of my depth. I have an appt with an admissions counselor next friday at the college but I'm not sure how to get scholarships or what to apply to.

I'm 30, afab, I graduated highschool in 2013 at the age of 20 through a push program. I have an unweighted GPA of 3.02 but a weighted GPA of 5.25. I'm taking an ACT tomorrow to help me out and am anticipating a 28 composite or higher, I can retest in June if I need to study more and get a higher score to be accepted (uccs doesn't NEED an ACT but is helpful if they have one above 25).

Okay so.

Been out of achool 10 years, no class rank, am married and have 1 dependant. We make approximately 105k and Idk if that matters. i was diagnosed with adhd as a child, but don't have any of that paperwork, would a retest and updated paperwork get me anything?

I am a homeowner, and been a stay at home parent for 4 years. Prior to that we lived in texas and I made $58k a year.

Uhm. I don't know what other information I need.

Oh, I am applying for fafsa and COF. The fafsa I have to wait for them to verify my identity as I had a name change 5 years ago and am just now updating the fafsa website.

Okay, let me know if you need any other information and thanks for any help you guys can give me.

Okay. I'll look at my answers and start there. I feel like I've got a good base after working with kahn but it's murdering my soul to push so hard.

The program im going for recommends a composite score on 25 and my test was 28 before I studied at all. So I'm hoping I can raise it into the 30s for an edge.

Math helpMath

Im 10 years out of hs and trying to go back to school and doing an ACT to help my acceptance chances.

Other than doing khan acadamys algebraic classes is there a faster way for me to cover material?

Pretend I'm DUMB. I got a 19 for math on my first practice and high 20s low 30s on the other 3 subjects


My 4 year old is incredibly interested in anatomy and biology. He looks at brain slices, has his own muscular skeletal and organ dummy, indepth videos about eye balls etc. He says he wants to be a doctor. The other day he said he wanted to hold a brain.

Nothing wrong with curiosity about the body, although he did tell me the other day my lunch meat looked like skin 🤣 but we are morbidly funny around here and we all laughed.

Sounds like it makes YOU uncomfortable, and not the child? Unfortunately, you should not be telling people if they're uncomfortable, your child needs to figure out from their own bodily cues if they are uncomfortable or not and be able to recognize them.

My 4 year old is incredibly interested in anatomy and biology. He looks at brain slices, has his own muscular skeletal and organ dummy, indepth videos about eye balls etc. He says he wants to be a doctor. The other day he said he wanted to hold a brain.

Nothing wrong with curiosity about the body, although he did tell me the other day my lunch meat looked like skin 🤣 but we are morbidly funny around here and we all laughed.

Sounds like it makes YOU uncomfortable, and not the child? Unfortunately, you should not be telling people if they're uncomfortable, your child needs to figure out from their own bodily cues if they are uncomfortable or not and be able to recognize them.

I agree with others, it sounds like mom is either mentally or physically unwell. Maybe chronic illness, burnout or depression.

Ground meat, I strictly use TVP now.