This is estimated compensation mostly of increases in stock value. Not liquid cash. None of these people are just stuffing 200 mil in a bank account.

If I had a son, I’d probably try to convince him to go to a different branch if he wanted to serve even if he wanted to be a grunt (like me). I’m proud of serving in the Marines and I do not regret it but there are so many more opportunities if you want them in the other services.

If I had a daughter I probably would try to convince her not to serve and to go Airforce if she was dead set on it.

Tell me you have bought all the Reddit propaganda without telling me you bought reddit propaganda.

Wildly ignorant and incorrect interpretation of the decision.

I like how this whole thread basically debunks the “parties switched in the 1960s” talking point that gets parroted here so much.

Project 2025 is a reddit propaganda boogeyman. It’s a plan made by an NGO that’s never been endorsed by the campaign and is just a fear mongering reddit buzzword at this point.

Yuck. Partisan propaganda.

Also, there are plenty of reasons to not want Trump in office but I’m getting sick of the Project 2025 fear mongering.

Project 2025 is a plan written by NGOs broadly umbrella’d under the Heritage Foundation that has not been endorsed or accepted by the Trump Campaign. They have their own plan “Agenda 47.”

If you have kids this would be an amazing makeshift water slide

There are a lot of users here from the GWOT era and before, but I’d wager enlisted 2016-present probably represents about 50% of the user base.

I always scored well on the PFT but I always hated it because I’d gas myself so hard on the run trying to max my score. (I never maxed the run unfortunately, I was always stuck at 19minutes)

Interesting enough I used to hate the hikes until I became so used to it that it stopped bothering me at all. Not sure why I never got to that level with the 3 mile run.

Biden said no service men died under his watch. Why did that not shock you? Did you forget about the Afghan withdrawal?

Project 2025 is such a hilarious boogeyman. It’s literally a plan made by an NGO that has never been accepted by the candidate.

Is this a bot account or something? I don’t understand why this was posted in relation to this story.

It’s a highly upvoted post with mostly supportive comments at the top.

I think that there is a lot violence in pretty much all of human history so I wouldn’t really expect religion to be different since it’s organized and led by humans.

Shocking, one of the most mainstream opinions on Reddit: