“i f*cking fought for my life!”

It’s an online diploma mill ... Let the baby have its bottle


I struggled with this book too. Managed to finish it but definitely isn’t one of my faves. Much preferred The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

Yeah it’s incredibly difficult due to the ick but it’s worth it in the end

Blargh I struggled too and managed to finish it and it was NOT worth it

Villette by Charlotte Bronte. I tried SO HARD and even got halfway through but nothing was progressing and I found myself dreading picking it up again so I eventually gave up.

Am now struggling a bit with Shirley by Charlotte Brontë but only about a quarter of the way through it and it’s already picking up a bit. 🤞🏻

I was the same way with Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. Really liked the beginning of the book but it just didn’t captivate me enough to finish reading it. For that reason, I don’t think I’ll bother with A Gentleman, either 🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes! I actually watched the movie before I read the book which is an unusual order for me to do things in usually. I didn’t like the ending in the movie (it felt rushed & forced), but the way the ending was written in the book was much better 💞

I’m Alan Partridge has me in stitches every time I watch it ❤️

Kylie’s imaginary lipliner

A turnip by the looks of it


Totally unexpected but one of the kindest and most supportive people has been my Botox lady. Decided to treat myself to some Botox in January because we were on a waiting list for our next round. I told her we’d been doing IVF for the past 5 years and that’s why I hadn’t been in to see her as often as I used to. She was just so sweet and sympathetic. She even said “I know this is going to happen for you, I just had a vision of you coming in again next year with a pram with your daughter in it.” I cried. 🥰🥰🥰

Notice by Heather Lewis - so bleak, and the fact that it was semi autobiographical and published posthumously after the author committed suicide makes it all the more sad

Problems by Jade Sharma for similar reasons, however the author died post publication and her death is unconfirmed as to whether it was overdose or suicide or both


I found Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis to be WAY more disturbing. Really insidious creeping paranoia vibes are way more disturbing than flat out gore, in my opinion

Twas Mulga Bill from Eaglehawk that caught the cycling craze He sold away his good old horse that served him many days …

Used to know the whole thing off by heart!

“i f*cking fought for my life!”

I have mild-moderate IBS and even looking at this photo has got me doubled in pain

“i f*cking fought for my life!”

Hey hey HEY guys .. compared to her usual diet of pancakes & waffles and bacon and cookies.. this IS gentle on her stomach /s 🥴😵‍💫

Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan (the other books in the series aren’t as good though)

Delicious by Nicky Pellegrino

One Summer in Venice by Nicky Pellegrino

Seagulls in the Attic by Tessa Hainsworth

Extra Virgin by Annie Hawes

Driving Over Lemons by Chris Stewart

All of these books have helped boost my mood during depressive episodes and are all about starting over and fitting in with tight knit communities. I hope they bring you some much needed inspiration to feel joy 🩵🤍

Literally everything by Nicky Pellegrino - really light hearted escapist travel novels (usually incorporating Italy) with lots of focus on delicious descriptions of food

I looooove Annie Hawes’s books!! And The Olive Farm by Carol Drinkwater is good too!

Same! It was like reading my own inner monologue but a MUCH more eloquently phrased version of it 🖤🤍