Also.  Blowing up a pad really takes seconds.   I can't imagine an electric one being worth it if you're actually using it for backpacking.  

I have a thermarsest inflatable one that partially self inflates (it has some sort of foam that expands inside and puffs up the pad) 

I've also had other inflatable ones that were not"self inflating" and those too were very quick.  

Sleeping pads are something that can really mess up your trip if they're popped, it's something I would not buy used unless I got it from someone I knew and trusted.

I've had a pad that deflated first night of backpacking, sleeping was awful for the rest of the trip. 

It looks like they're worth a pretty decent amount.  

How does it shoot?

Is it the same thing as any of colts 1911 models?

They work wonderfully.  

I've returned a handful of things that were not as advertised.   Ebay is very much on the buyers side.

I've had the seller refuse to accept a refund, you then just talk to an ebay representative online and they give the money back.  

If the sellers being a dick and won't respond, they just give you the money back and you can keep the item if the seller doesn't respond within a reasonable amount of time.  

How could they not even include a picture of the perpetrator. 

Not a graphic novel, but 9 uear Olds love them, look up some vintage goosebumps books.   Child safe, spooky fun.  

What are those optics? especially the one on the right

The USA is huge.  

What are you looking for?

If you want more help please provide more details.  

Hey.  Go get a leaf blower.   Do alot of yard work "towards" the restaurant.   All the time

Make it stink.   

Store your trash on the property line next to the restaurant.  

Leave some of the bags partially opened.  Leave then for a long while.   

Sit outside ON YOUR lawn, clean a gun ON YOUR property while facing the restaurant regularly. 

Blare K pop, two different songs at the same time from 2 different speakers during peak dining hours.  

Put up posters of GOATSE in your windows.  

How far do you want to take it?

I have this and love it.  

It's heavy, but I slept in Temps well into the negatives with it.  

It's a bit bulky and heavy, but it's a delight to sleep in.   Well padded and just a well made sleeping bag.  

Who is that handsome man in the first picture? 

The ronin was one of only 2 knives I ever returned.   It felt like a single use disposable defense knife.   

It was the thinnest tip I've ever seen, I bet it would serve as a defensive tool well once, but any other usage of it seemed like a bad idea.  

I personally love the fixed blades by tops knives.   They're well made, very solid, and come in every shape imaginable. 

An MCI in a town with one ambulance, and surrounding towns that don't have a response agreement could be 3 patients.  

They can also be declared and then canceled, so they might have thought "there's got to be hundreds of injuries" upon arriving at the scene to only find a handful.  

The term MCI is not a specific number, it's able to be molded to each specific community.  

It also determines some specific guidelines for triage, treatment, and transport decisions for patients 

You can try fire upon the deep by vinge. 

Its both positive and some negative,the culture and the universe he created is so in depth and wonderfully done.   It is at a point where technology has gotten so good that humans have connected much of the galaxy together and overall are connected as a huge conglomerate.  I read this maybe 20 years ago or so, so some of the details are a little murky or maybe misremembered.   But it's one of the absolute best sci fi books ever written and I remember most of the people working together.    There's also this other society that is a.... different version of feudalism mixed with (I don't have any idea how to explain it without spoilers, but it's a unique "government" type of sittuation)  

I don't think you can go wrong with this book if you're okay with a very lengthy and detailed book.   Although it took some time to finish, I was glued in and very upset it had to end. 

I'm not 100 percent sure its really socialist, my memory could be deceiving me a bit, but if I recall most of humanity and the galaxy are kind of working together for their perceived greater good of everyone for the most part.   It's wonderful at jumping to different point of views through the story so you get all sides of events. 

Also.  Keep in mind it was written in 1992, which blew my mind when I read it in maybe 2004 or 2005, his grasp on technology was amazing, at that time it didn't feel dated to me at all and I assume it would still hold up.  He gets very detailed on how all the sci fi stuff works and made it feel very tangible to me.  

The other, separate (but same universe) book: deepness in the sky is also amazing, but should be read after I think.   It also is kind of a socialist book but minus alot of the positive aspects of socialism.  It's a very intense read, but reading fire upon the deep is a wonderful set up for it.  

It can also be pretty subjective to the cop who decides how to interpret the law if they decide to stop you.  

You may win in court, but it may be a big hassle.   I heard some horror stories about NYC cops stopping chefs on their way to work and booking them foe having their chef knives secured in a case, or them going after people for having a "single hand opening knife" where in one case I read of the cops had to hand it off to multiple other cops each of them flicking it trying to open it until someone could finally do it.  

So just beware, and don't do anything sketchy if you feel you are walking the line between legal and not legal.  

Whoa.  Awesome.   Lucky!   I've seen cougar tracks while hiking out in southwestern USA multiple times, it's my absolute dream to see one in real life.  

I had to carry a person I know out of the woods after they did this.  

It was. Unpleasant.   

And then I had to be at the funeral and wake with their kids afterwards.  

It was Unpleasant.  

Don't do it, and especially don't do it without any known cause.  Its horrible on the family, and as others have pointed out, you have kids.  However much you might be in a tough spot with them and others, they cannot undo it, they are stuck knowing their parent did this, and will forever question and blame themselves for anything that ever happened.

As others said, once you have children, this is not really something you can do anymore, however much you might want to, it's straight up not fair to the children at a minimum.   

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Hey there.  

Try a new magazine.  

Also try loading one fewer, or one more into your current magazine, the spring may be too weak or too strong possibly, or it could just have bent/worn feed lips on the magazine.  

Trying a new magazine prior to any other labor intensive or expensive fixes should be your first step.  

A.  Don't touch the blade with bare hands if possible.  

B. Show the tang, the bottom of the blade under the handle. It may have some information on it which may provide an answer. (Not all of them have a signature or markings)   You may be able to knock out the pins that hold it in place, look up online how to do so without damaging anything.  

I'm in ZERO way any sort of expert, but  it looks like it MAY be a late ww2 japanese military sword, or a reproduction of this.   Look up "gunto" or "shin gunto" swords.

I've shot the 10/22.  Great gun.  

I was just so put off by the multiple lcp's I've shot, I can't get over their QC by putting them out to market in that state.   I've disassembled them and cleaned them and still had the same issues.  

That was a handful of years ago, maybe they're great now, it was just upsetting they were selling carry guns in that state, in non working/reliable order.  

If it was just one gun, I'd say it was a unique issue, two guns, concerning, three guns was a real problem though in my opinion.