Play however you want bro if it works it works

Prob just a little better graphics wise and faster loading times 

You got absolutely mogged in 3rd and 4th pics

Armored core 6 if you're into Mecha, im obsessed with it 

Offline,  I never play from games online anyways

Yeah the wraps were decent size before in the cardboard box, now we get these fucking chodes 

Try adidas super stars I got wide ass feet and these are mint 

Disrespect to Reading with 106

I just fast till I get home , I absolutely hate working with a full stomach 

Hey man be careful you can't say anything bad about him

I don't see no char that's quattro my guy completely unrelated but also jacked and handsome

Sack him if he doesn't pick up the pace soon, can't be working with someone like that tbh

If they somehow make it so we have to kill 621 raven and ayre I'm gonna cry 

Bro I hate how we find the schematics and then literally don't even mention it again smh