My least favorite type of Vintage deck to play against for sure back in the day. Usually a turn 1 win just watching someone else play.

Anyway, remember when Worlds used to be on ESPN2? What a trip.

You'd need a routing layer for this and a way to pull that data in from the destination. Nginx with reverse proxy as was suggested already is probably the most straightforward and well-documented way to do this. If you wanted to go AWS, you could set up CloudFront and define both your origins, they'd both have to be set up to listen at the same hostname, then have CloudFront handle the origin mapping.

What I'm trying to say is this is a fair bit of engineering for an unclear payoff. What is preventing you from consolidating your stuff under one host?

$8 at Cloudflare is going to be pretty much the rock-bottom price for renewals as that's pretty much right at Verisign cost. You'll see plenty of registrars offer cheaper initial reg and cost above that for renewal, they're literally taking a loss on the initial reg hoping to make it up over several years of renewals.

Correct, the OG Fall of Man was a PS3 launch title and didn't get a PS2 version. Killzone did though which I didn't remember at all.

Ed Garcia owns it and wants to revive it yeah. I was working for him when he was planning on an office move for the automotive group into a high floor there and the building is still so cool inside, so much potential.

Blake's sold a little before you left but yeah that's been the complaint, steadily getting worse. I could never handle the wait times and as far as I know that hasn't changed.

Lol this might actually be enough to get me off the fence and try it.

The House always wins.

I know everyone has feelings about self diagnosis,

I feel like a lot of those feelings are reserved for people that self diagnose and never bother with a formal Dx. Super common in the autism and ADHD spaces, where online tests of questionable accuracy are free and numerous (even though the actual DSM criteria tests are also available for free), and people with it? Like they announce they have it but don't do much to learn how to live with the potential disorder or look at medication therapy?

It's not so much that someone self diagnosed, it's when they just use it to fish for sympathy without making any other effort on their own part. I have a former friend from all through high school that went this route in his late 20s and it just got to be too much, I had to cut ties with him.

Anyway, as a very boring cishet ally, I'm glad that modern science and medicine made your life a little bit better, even if it took a while. We're living in very interesting times, and I've definitely had to say "well, better late than never" with treating my own mental health.

Yeah not the same fella unfortunately. Quite a few little differences, I don't know enough about nice pens to say what yours is though.

Props to the editor, that's so well done.

I enjoy a nice rollerball especially as a lefty with a very cramped sort of writing style. I smear fountain pens every time. I got a nice Kaweco rollerball a couple days ago and some hybrid gel ink for it and it's just lovely.

Take some pictures and share. If its like the above it's probably a few hundred bucks to the right person.

Wog. Amateur scholar. Very out-ethics.

Showing up for me.

Maybe a region-locked sort of thing?

Be sure to check Cost Plus Drugs, they have Latuda for $9.50-$17 depending on dosage with no insurance instead of the $1060+ Walgreens charges. It's my backup plan for if I ever get kicked off my insurance or they become unreasonable about it.

I'm gonna go against the grain and conventional wisdom here and say that you don't really need to change it. It'd be one thing if you were starting a business with some fancy name and had to deal with a dash or a .NET. For a personal site that'll likely be linked from a resume, github profile, or linkedin, I don't think it makes much difference at all.

I didn't notice the sorcery speed of it, that hurts the ramp a little bit for sure. Yeah blue and red both look great.

I didn't say green is fine, I said I like this card just fine.

And see, I like green's just fine, but black's doesn't do much it doesn't already have lots of access to. Green could save an iffy opening hand and generally provide some mana stability and color fixing.

Yeah, Bushy did a bubble-only run and they worked alright. If it wasn't such late access to them and such a low drop rate I'd be tempted to do one too.

Native Speaker

That's entirely your call, but personally even owning the physical trilogy I never made it through the second. Just too much of a slog.

But congrats on getting through The Hobbit! Being able to infer meanings of words by context is a great sign of growing proficiency in any language.

Straight but maybe OK??

“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.”

― John Berger, Ways of Seeing

Also if you are extremely DIY skilled you can look at how to repair the 18v batteries and test and replace dead cells. This is like lvl 9/10 DIY stuff and can be dangerous but a lot ofnpeople are doing these types of repairs now with the right knowledge.

Lol I appreciate the sorta vote of confidence but even though I know a little bit about batteries in general and how one might plausibly replace a cell, I'm not doing surgery on a battery that I'm gonna hold later at dick level.

Wog. Amateur scholar. Very out-ethics.

Looking through the post history is just so sad. Such a negative way of living all the time, it has to be absolutely mentally exhausting. I've been that negative person as a teen but it was never who I really was, I was doing it for attention and shock will suffice as a substitute. Anything for the chemicals, you know? And it doesn't have to be this way, you can actually do the exact opposite and end up with the same chemicals, and you don't drive away others, hell you can get to some semblance of friendship and dare I say popularity that way.

Hopefully they see that at some point. It may take a while, but I can hope they get there.