I'm so confused. I thought a boiler room was in a boiler room and the point was it was a smaller venue with the DJ in the middle/not up on a stage.

I guess 'boiler room' just means cool now?

That only works on radiation. This is conduction I think.

My ass didn't pass calc physics though so fuck if I know.

Great, they can park at a suburban tram/streetcar stop and ride in, so much easier than hunting for a parking spot in the middle of a street designed for people.

Big Bike

That's insane. Why would someone drive in Lisboa. It doesn't give you more access to anything in the city, you have an awesome network of streetcar rollercoasters and everything is at medival town density so why would you drive? I'd imagine its just a 'fuck you, look at my cool car!' kind of thing. Why not just store the car at the city limits?

It's funny because the only related thing I can think of is that guy in Kill Bill Vol. 2 using rocksalt to non-fatally wound someone busting in his door. But rock salt isn't birdshot.

It objectively is. We have the volatile combo of gun culture and really horrible mental health culture here in the US.

America is the nation of people putting themselves in danger like they're on a farm during the great depression, being forced under pressures like what led to the great depression and thinking this is somehow a noble way of life worth living in spite of the fact that our upper crust put us through this specifically so they can get themselves ever further away from said way of life.

It's the ultimate example of "Many of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make!"

"Overlanding" is about to mean driving through peoples bedrooms and living rooms lol.

That's a really good point, that might be holding down the plate that you unscrew to access the controller.

The folding stem bolts are all way, way more beefy than that for sure, it has to be from something else less structurally significant.

Might be a part from your brakeset. Check the calipers and levers. Nothing structural should be using screws like that so it's got to be part of a sub-assembly.

I love the pile of comments downvoted into the 6th circle of hell at the bottom of this thread. Too many of you all drank the 4chan kool aid

If they want to use it then let them, theyre haters and are gonna find something to bitch about either way

Unsurprised tbh, its the lowest hanging fruit possible.

Theres always one normal person in every good furry gathering. Thats how you know its objectively fun to be there.

Yeah yeah, we get it, furries cring

Big Bike

You will never meet anyone happier than a ttain car full of furries on their way to a con.

Crazy shit happens when a free country costs more and more to live in every year.

Now upgrade to a U lock, because one of those cable locks is exactly how I lost The Sexy Bitch II

E: Also an OnGuard isn't that expensive.

When do we get the Joe Biden campaign posters that just say "Do the right thing and LOCK HIM UP!"

"Pave paradise, put up a parking lot" was a documentary in song form.