Yes! It’s surprisingly very affordable. You can get a giant sack of rice for $3, canned beans are $1, a bag of onions is $4, frozen veggies are $5 or less. Even vegan ground “beef” is $9 where I am. A popular meal I make is chili that leaves me with enough leftovers that I bring it to my family’s house, and it costs me around $17.

Groceries in general are a robbery, but purchasing unhealthy food is a choice when eating healthy can cost the same with very little research and planning. I recommend the Yuka app, you scan the barcode of an item and it’ll tell you if it’s healthy or not. You’d be surprised what is presented as “healthy” and it actually isn’t. I don’t trust any company until I look into it myself. Point being, eating tasty healthy food is possible for even those that don’t have money (me lol). Oreos, Cheetos, frozen meals, etc. Those are all expensive.

Yup. If I buy McDonald’s for my husband and myself it’s around $25 or so. With that same amount, I can make 2 separate meals in my crockpot that have leftovers for a few days.

I’m married woman and met my husband organically and we were friends for a few years before dating, so none of that applies to me buuuut yes, you’re literally correct. Online dating is huge now and people “slide into dm’s” all the time. If you want to die on this random hill and vouch for faceless-man-who-asks-out-grieving-woman then have it. But just so you know, not many women (especially those in relationships) would find that sort of gesture/interaction respectful if you want to be genuine in the future

The naivety of this comment is fucking hilarious, you’re either very old or trying to be funny

At my husbands work, his senior coworker (a wonderful, hard working man) had no clue he was getting paid far less than the people he was training until one of them mentioned their pay. He never would have gotten the raise he deserved if he didn’t discover that and stand up for himself.

Normalize discussing pay in the workplace! That’s how companies rob you - drilling into your head that it’s hush hush. In the US, it’s illegal to tell employees they can’t discuss pay. I would absolutely tell your coworker.

Why so spicy lol I can’t control immature teammates when they decide to sporadically run around and over-confidently push a team to all get downed immediately.

eta: I know I can down them lol doesn’t make wb less annoying

Nah I’ll keep wb on deck cause I’m sick of a squad water boarding me like I’m in Zero Dark Thirty. “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” fr

Was looking for an analog clock… I can’t be that old!

Your posts and comment history is wild… you have no business complaining about your partner who just gave birth while you have a rampant porn addiction and trying to chat up other women.

Thank you friend ♥️ it definitely wasn’t easy. Finding the right medication combo can take years, it did for me. But if I didn’t keep fighting for it, I don’t think I would be here today. Like you said, it is possible to become stable!

It is nauseating! BPD doesn’t define me, and definitely doesn’t define these people: Carrie Fischer, Catherine Zita Jones, Hemingway, Vincent Van Gogh, Frank Sinatra, Beethoven, Virginia Wolf… just to name a few.

Thank you! Bipolar 2, medicated, in therapy, and in a very positive and healthy marriage for many years now. I won’t lie, when I see comments like these it stings… but I understand that when someone has such intense emotions like BP or BPD and doesn’t seek help, it’s draining. Just remember that Bipolar is a disease of the brain and not just mental illness. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy tbh. I’m lucky though, my husband was there for me during my darkest days and now we enjoy the happiness together. Bipolar doesn’t make you unloveable, but to truly give and receive that love you need professional help.

This is why Brett is the best. He’s the most professional and level-headed. The only time he really lost his cool was when, I think Amanza said it, sort of “dismissed” his relationship when saying Jason and Crishell was the best couple. Jason wanting to spend millions on a new office with all these games inside is hilarious to me. Who is going to a realtors office to play pool? And a fireplace… in OC?

“Do you know what it’s like to not be able to use your legs?!?” “Yes sir, I do.”