Blend with the tret and apply? I have a bottle of glycerin coming soon, and I can’t remember why I ordered it and what to do with it, haha. Just that someone here said it was a godsend. I’m peeling almost daily around the corners of my mouth 🥲

This is like breaking up with someone because they could get sick and die. Nah, dude. Enjoy what you have while you have it. Life will always take things away from you. That is the nature of it, everything is impermanent. But you have to live and enjoy it in the now. Even silly cozy games 💛

Hell no, girl! 30F here, successful normal job. Enjoy what you enjoy! And yeah, I was actually surprised by the number of grown ass adults playing as well, and I love it!!

This is so wholesome 🥲 thank you, friend!

Sameee. I joined too late into the month to be able to do all the days to get him 🥲

I would love to be able to browse the furniture making menu with the whole screen. Scrolling through everything, every time is exhausting. Organized both by collection (Capital Chic, homestead, etc) and separately by category. (Lighting, tables, chairs, couches, wall decor, planters, shelves, etc) Pleeease please update this menu 🥲

Hello! Cheep, cheep! Hahaha, she’s currently exploring Maui, so it fits the moment 😄

Hello fellow ADHDers! Probably a lot of us here 😂 adding you now. Look out for Isla =)

Just added you. Look out for Isla =)

I also love cats and sleep. Look out for a request from Isla ☺️

Hot take: you work it out. If only for the kids’ sake. Ask him to watch the kids while you go get pelvic floor therapy (and some mental time to yourself). You get to leave the house a couple times a week, work out, stop by a cafe and have some me time, and your body and mind might heal enough to get that libido back. Depression is such a libido killer. So getting help with that could be beneficial as well. Also, there are supplements to help get you back in the groove that I’ve heard great things about. You gotta switch something up, and he has to finance it. Could be mutually beneficial.

I don’t agree with sexual coercion at all, but I do think there’s room for improvement.

Holy moly, what a property!! The spiral chest staircase is such a good idea, too!

Forgot which sub I was in for a sec 😂

Here, lemme stand in his place for a sec. “WOW BABE! That’s awesome! You should totally be a mage next time! Show me your secret sorcery so we can kick ass together. =)”

Girl, I feel you so hard. And my partner is coincidentally absolute shit at sleeping. Poor guy.

Then clearly this comment doesn’t apply to you. Why are you downvoting people for a very valid question?

It’s so true! And I love purple ladies when they get older, cause they give less and less fucks and just go monochrome purple every day. 😂 and they’re usually kind hearted and hilarious!

I’m a yellow girly, and I did buy a fancy yellow chair, but its primary purpose is to function as my chairdrobe. And when I finally sort through all the stacked clothes on it, I’m rewarded by the sight of my beautiful yellow chair 😁💛

Levi’s store in Bellevue mall is great! I can’t remember the employee’s name but he was so wonderful grabbing sizes and making recommendations for me and my friend. Brought back the joy of shopping a bit for me.

That’s actually such a hot tip! Had no idea.

I clean my house when I have executive disfunction about tasks I actually need to do, and cleaning wards off the anxiety of doing nothing and wasting the day. It’s predictable and satisfying, so there’s a little dopamine boost at the end. Especially when I can run my hand over my counters and they’re as clean as a whistle. Or see no things on the ground.

Before you give up on your garden squares, go at it with the hoe again. I swore some of mine were bugged until I realized I missed a small corner and the square wasn’t actually ‘popped’ and ready yet. Hope it works!!

You may already know is this, but you can unpin the tasks and select different ones to focus on =) I have two from the Gales quest (Zeki’s treasures and the twins proof) that I am refusing to tackle for some time 😂