Everything else aside, has he tried buying some actual food?

Depends on what you mean by "trigger".

A migraine or epileptic seizures can be triggered by variety of things, as can asthma attacks. AFAIK, there's no amount of exposure therapy that can ease that.

Nonbinary Green Witch 🌵

Not to mention, and this might be my tinfoil hat coming through, but the timing is sus.

All of this just happens to be reported on the eve of a big UK election, right after David Tennant, who is hugely tied to Gaiman's works, spoke (again) in favour of trans rights...


Nonbinary Green Witch 🌵

From what I can tell, it's at most a bit shady.

What the women said got twisted around to imply criminal acts, and at least one of them has offered her apologies for how things have gone down.

Not to mention, Trutlemedia, the podcast where the "accusations" first came out, is a right-wing propaganda machine

They'd crucify him all over again!

Have fun breathing on Venus, Steve!


I've been binge watching a crime series called Dublin Murders. It's a bit complicated for my fatigued brain, but I'm enjoying it.

Welp, my bisexuality took a sharp turn lesbian, so they might be onto something! /jk

Haha, good question, since Ruby's adoptive mum wasn't Gloria at all

Should the stigma for non-offending pedophiles be lesser so that they could get help before offending? Yeah, probably, actually.
As for how that could be done safely, without the message being warped into "this is fine"... I have no clue


Jackie and Gloria would probably get along

I meant Carla, but brain kept pushing the wrong name

"Luther wants to throw you a big stupid party so you feel loved."
"Do you feel loved?"
"Yeah, I do"
"Good. You are"

female pleasurist

Regardless of being asexual, OP fucks more than that incel.

Also, he should look up the likes of Touko Laaksonen, a.k.a. Tom of Finland:
Laaksonen was a war veteran, a gay man, and an artist famous for drawings of gay erotica

Well doesn't that (OOP) sound like something an Apple iCultist would say!

The same women who complain about trendy makeup looks also shit on alt styles, giving more "any form of self-expression via makeup is bad" than "the beauty industry is toxic".

Funny how a friend of mine who doesn't wear makeup herself can still have a solid conversation about it, both products and application.
She equated it to sculpting (she's a trained artist) last we talked about makeup specificly, and had some really interesting questions!

It's almost as if you need to drop the bad attitude and find an angle you can understand it from

That woke commie!? Absolutely not! Disgusteng!

notorious masturbator

Well, maybe we saw different posts/comments or interpreted them differently, then


It's very simple: he doesn't get a vote on what happens in your body.

notorious masturbator

The specific ones?

Even if they were sex-workers, it wouldn't make it okay to slut shame them. Shittalk the guy all you want, I support that, but keeping it respectful towards the women, who got wrapped up in all the crap, should be the bare minimum.

Fat Pigeon


Sure, he's Jewish, but those aren't the same thing. And he's been outspoken in support of Palestinians, which is like... the opposite of a Zionist, AFAIU.


Cherry and Vanilla Macaron Native deodorant and body wash

Did it at least smell nice?