:brown-2: John Brown

Avg voter just thinks all politicians are criminals

It's true and it's insanely frustrating. I hate it. I know my share of politicians and staffers (almost all Dems naturally) and they are almost universally sweetheart nerds who desperately want to make this country a better place for the most people possible. Hell, even the few (at this point ex-) Republicans I know pretty much fall into this category.

"Both sides are bad, so vote Republican" has been an incredibly effective piece of agitprop.

:brown-2: John Brown

They haven't gotten the Serapis Flag yet imma claim that one for center-left technocrats.

Dump Melania and then run a "Find The New MAGA Queen" reality competition during the campaign. Holy shit. Think about it.


Right. If they had all been in combat arms it would be another matter. My grandfather was an infantryman, wounded twice, a lot of dead friends. My wife's grandfather was an accountant, because that's what he was in New York in 1941. ¯\ (ツ)/¯

In combat arms it was bad everywhere, but even in the Pacific there were plenty of dudes who just sat around New Caledonia doing paperwork and going insane from boredom.

:brown-2: John Brown

"one crime at a time" will take you a loooooooong way

:brown-2: John Brown

Just now checking in on a scale of 1-to-Unions how weird is this sub being about this?

:flag-mi: Michigan

He needs to do time for me to believe in the system at all again. At least as much as a guy caught pushing a cart of diapers out of Target.

Asking that from Michigan drivers is a recipe for Blues Brothers pileups all over southern Michigan when we get one of those midwinter ice events.

If everybody had the right equipment, okay, but almost no one will.

Yeah imagine how good the roads would be if we had literally no one in charge of them.

Yep, it was extremely effective. All is well now 10 years on.

And had community advice been followed, we'd be nearing the 9 year anniversary of a funeral. Without question.

I lived in a woo-heavy community when a close family member went thru cancer. IMHO it's not so much about what the specific alternative treatment is per se, it's more that you need to use something the doctors and bIg PhArMA tell you is ineffective/bad/dangerous.

Ivermectin is now just the main "alternative treatment" for a thing most of them know and the right people tell them it doesn't work.

So, hence, ergo, thereupon, QED, it cures cancer too.

The smarter ones thought they could win a political victory and gain independence either through quick victories that would make the north say "fuck it" or European intervention, or some combination.

The dumber ones thought that the elan and valor of Scots-Irish Southron Manhood® would straight up defeat the Invaduh Hordes in the field.

Petersburg would be the biggest one.

This is what Petersburg was. And while it's true that the Army of Northern Virginia was pretty depleted compared to its peak by the time that began and they did hold on for quite some time, they never had any real hope of overcoming the Union's advantages in men and materiel.

It's a very common sentiment historically among Leftists. "The fascists will implode and then it'll be our turn!"

It typically doesn't end well. E.g.. read up on what happened to all the Socialists and Communists that were running around Germany in 1932.

Oh, sorry, I'm fEaRm0NGeRiNg again. By pointing to an actual historical example of a thing that happened in actual spacetime.

Oh it was definitely intentional. It's waaaaaay too on-the-nose to not be.

The funny thing is despite being very into trains AND Civil War history, it just never clicked for me. But once I was clued in, again, fuck that.

The locomotive itself, though, is cool as hell on it's own merits regardless of paint. Like, a high-short-hood, long-hood-forward SD45?!? Come on that's awesome.

So I'm a huge train nerd and specifically a Norfolk and Western fan (because of their steam engines) and I always thought this was one of the better Bicentennial diesels... until this was pointed out to me and yeah. Fuck that.

:brown-2: John Brown

I don't think my views have changed all that much (I'm still a succ to a lot of you guys) but the Capital-L Left has just proven itself profoundly unserious about pretty much anything but political philosophy and vibes.

So, by virtue of caring about policy and governing, I've become more centrist by default, I guess.

At the bottom of that radioactive crater is a pristine set of power armor in a snazzy Chicago Bears paint job.