I mean she did commit a bunch of murders too

Nah, there were a bunch of intention design choices with her office and scene blocking in this episode to give her palpatine vibes.

I'm normally not a fan of random callbacks (such as, in the hobbit movies) but I feel like these were well done in service of establishing her character as a masked political schemer.

I don't think it's a passionate dive, it's a cautious at arms length agreement with the devil to save her sisters life, made right after killing her former master in a very justified rage.

"I thought you said it was suicide"

"Yes, exactly, suicide by peanut allergy. Threw away his epipen and took the peanuts."

"But we can cure that, right? We have space medicine, why would he never go to the doctor for it this whole time?"

".........The....the economy is in shambles right now....have you seen the marketplace these days....the Nasdac....dow jones?"

Osha has a much better read on Qimir than Mae ever did. When Mae joined with Qimir she was a scared child who just lost her entire family and some dude shows up offering revenge training, she accepts.

Osha knows this is a deal with the devil. Qimir makes pacts without telling all of the details and there's no option to just "leave" the secret murder cult training. Mae wanting out signed her death warrent and there was no way Qimir was going to let her live, so Osha bargained with Qimir for an option to save her.

As we saw in this episode Qimir has his own master. This isn't just going to be Osha learning some cool sword techniques this is a massive risk for her involving dark side users and secret plots and she has no idea how far deep this goes. But considering she just killed Sol and the jedi are in no way going to treat her fairly, bargaining to replace Mae as Qimirs acolyte gives her a way to save Mae's life. Mae goes to jail instead of her, which isn't ideal, but at least she'll be alive, and if the price of that is her soul then so be it.

Meanwhile Sol shot himself twice in the back of the head in an incident ruled a suicide.

I appreciate that she had a ton of emperor Palpatine visual cues and called back to obi-wan. Kinda the bad side of the jedi bleeding through here.

I am shocked......

.......that the green lady's apprentice survived this whole ordeal. For sure though he was too nerdy to live.

We're all very aware of how proof works I'm saying don't be snotty and don't confuse the first prosaic explanation that comes along as a definitive case closed. There's a difference between being skeptical of a particular strange sounding claim and acting superior because you side with the mainstream view on q particular debate.

If he used slightly more colorful spices and had a slightly cleaner kitchen this would be a top tier dish on someone's foodstagram account. Yall don't know good stew.


It's sad that this comment gets so many upvotes

Yeah, grifters exist and bad hoaxes get a lot of upvotes, but snark dismissal of the entire subreddit isn't doing anyone any good.

Besides it's very easy to simply Google classic UFO cases or cases currently in the news. The fact that "aliens are real" isn't the mainstream opinion means that someone somewhere is proposing a potential alternative explanation for them, and its been deemed good enough to move on. That doesn't mean that those alternative explanations are correct either, but fringe phenomenon are by definition fringe, and it requires more than a few weird photos to overturn a mainstream consensus.

Snark dismissal of anything fringe isnt helpful. Topics on the edge are going to be filled with false leads and grift, but it is also where social progress happens. It's good to debate but assuming it's false until it becomes acceptable to consider that its true is simply reaction.

Gimbal and pheonix lights give me pause too. That being said, I think ultimately that leaks and legal battles are always going to be how anything secret gers revealed. Even if we have the worlds clearest photo of ET it's going to be called fake until the powers at be admit it's real. And if that ever happens, then a lot of the maybe evidence will get quickly reevaluated.

Calvine photo is, at bare minimum, secret us military tech


Edit: maybe I'm dumb but I don't see rock in a lake at all

Edit 2: I didn't believe the reflection theory because of the angles of the rest of the objects in the shot. In the interests of honesty though, here is a mockup of how that angle could have been accomplished. This isn't proof positive that the Calvine photo is fake but does as weight to that theory. https://youtu.be/w3oZtjbAOYc?si=chLz-xECrNT5IBLX

On the other hand, the journalist who dug up the photo did so because a military source of his claimed it was a part of a military black ops operation, and linked the sighting of the craft to other European ufo sightings in the area.


Note that both these explanations are terrestrial, albeit one a little sexier than the other.

No I know I know. That example is pretty cut and dry but I'm just pointing out that the possibility that something could be faked doesn't mean it automatically is faked, especially if there is also eyewitness testimony or other points of investigation.

That's kinda the problem with debunk culture to begin with. We've had the technology to make a death star on film and then blow it up for ages. Reverse engineering how a specific photo or video could be faked is only a small part of honest investigation.

Russia is doing a "special military operations" and can't call up a bunch of reservists without a formal war declaration. Ukraine is being sold/given a fuck ton of weaponry from the US.

It'd probably been done at some point before but I am still proud

Gentlemen, you should know I have ascites, a fluid buildup caused by liver failure. I regret my years of alcoholism.