Didn't Expect It

They totally did, and had no problem with it!

But agnostics and other non-believers can come in and basically say we're dumb for believing in a space wizard. r/Christian needs to figure out what kind of subreddit it wants to be.

Kinda what I was thinking. If he has no issues with beasts in the mountains he should be able to tackle the plains. I mean the playthrough were on now we haven't even beat bonemass yet, but we have already been adventuring in the plains as well.

This can get posted over and over. Everytime I watch this dumb ass get yeeted!

Which it fails at. This gun is kinda ass.

The real problem is she was a dancer not a singer. And her songs seem to reflect this aspect of her life.

Agreed. I don't think they are oppressed. A gay or lesbian person can do anything a heterosexual person can in America in 2024. Oppressed would be something like being charged extra for being gay, or not being able to live in certain parts of town. Things like that.

I think the industry is going to have to fail before we can get another golden age of gaming.

:Diamond2: Diamond II

I like it, but Salty shores should be you know, salty shores. It makes sense for a lot of maps but not Salty shores. Might as well play one map from here on out.

Right? When did it become not viable?

Didn't Expect It

Man it's going to take a while for the one croc to drown the other

Corpo taking advantage of the times!

Yeah fuck that man. You want to be a cop? you think you would do better? probably not. Having to deal with that shit changes you when you deal with it every fucking day. They have patience but people push so hard all the time, as a cop you are destined to fail at some point

It's really not. How about not being a piece of shit toward a dude who has a shit job already.

That's it. I'm calling dearhskitos todeskitos now!

Why the fuck didn't they back up more into the water?