My two boys had very different personalities as well. One was couch potato people pleaser, the other has little man syndrome with a big bark but no bite lol.

I thought these were cakes lol

So many fucking whiners in this comment section reading way too deep into this sick ass tattoo.

I keep mine at 73 pretty much year round

He is adorable. Congratulations ❤️

You’ve been here long enough to remember when the streets would flood for hours. Miss those days.

You can tell who was born and raised in AZ and who isn’t. It’s always been stupid hot, the only thing that has changed in the last 20 years is lack of a proper monsoon season.

Hell yeah I’m stoked! Unfortunately the only Roland kit I was able to find used near me is $300 💀 you got a killer deal!

I’m about to buy one of these tomorrow. How do you like it?

Nope you can lock the iPad while in mirror mode and it works flawlessly

iPad screen mirrored to TV is a game changer.

I lost my Copper boy two days ago 😔 he was only 4 and lost him to cancer. I hope you find peace, these babies make such an impact in our lives. It’s so hard.

I’m sure being a pure bred basset hound didn’t help either 😔 cancer sucks big fat balls. I hope your lab lives a long healthy life.

Thank you 🙏 I’m grieving and reading about cancer to give me some kind of closure. But it seems that it’s still a mystery how these tumors begin. He was only 4 and didn’t deserve his fate 😔

My dog had to be put down yesterday because of mast cell tumors. I keep thinking the trees in my front yard gave him the tumors because of the allergic reactions they would give him. Is this possible or am I overthinking?

Replying to this so I can come back to it later, thank you for providing links so I can help educate friends and family!