I assume you figured it out by now but there's a feature that lets you change the color and backrground of the text

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Oh my god I'm a grey heron ,were plumage brothers

I have stepped on nails three separate times in my life but they where all when I was wearing shoes

I've been barefoot in a minefield of construction pieces last summer and they had a lot of nails sticking but being barefoot ment I was actually looking down

The only injury I ever got being barefoot was stubbing my toe on concrete

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Usually a territory is a place the people actually own like theyr back yard or theyr room,but you could just mark a permitere in the woods and call it yours as long as it's not someone else's property and ur not hurting the woods you should be fine

In my opinion go for 2 but I'm biast because bugs are cool

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Idk man it kinda sounds like you're describing a flying squirrel

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Most of my memories were acquired through frequent meditation and I still have only about 7 memories throughout 3 theriotypes

When I meditate It usually comes with feelings and I don't think I've had a feeling about something that made me think it was due to a past life

I have had a short flash of memory it lasted a total of like 2 seconds when I was doing similar to what I was doing in the memory

I have about 4 memories from my oldest discovered theriotype

2 from my second discovered

And 1 from my newest discovered that didn't follow the pattern of the others at all even being an accidental memory I got when I was searching for memories of my second theriotype

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Nope you'd still be a cladotherian,it doesn't need to be exactly up to scientific standards it's just a label

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

I don't know Much about the specific species of moth you are but I recommend planting a moon garden to attract night pollinators

You can also just hang out on a tree

There are a few tutorials out there but it almost always consists of white flowers and I think that's pretty neat

As for the cat I'm assuming it's domestic so eat some dry cereal,buy some cat toys just for you,toss then around in a blanket and chill like that the whole day

For dogs I don't recommend chasing wildlife but you can always try to run next to a bus/a friend's car(a strangers car could be dangerous) on the side walk

And I've heard someone say this before so I'll just add it here chewlery it's like a portable dog toy

I know nothing about wolves but maybe try your hand at leather working or even hunting,just practice ethical hunting techniques and you should be fine

I also know wolves run a lot so participate in a marathon with some friends or your parents

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

It's a big misconception that moths like light but they are actually quite disturbed by it since it confuses them into thinking they're the wrong side up,but from a human perspective just enjoy the whimsical feel of fairy lights withought it being connected to ur theriotype

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

You both sound very young and that's surely why she's acting towards you this way

Therianthrophy can be quite shameful to some so it makes sense if shes insecure

And yes jealousy is (probably)a big reason she's shaming you for it as insecurity can turn to hate very easily

But it's also likely she has a sense of superiority as well

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

my biggest tip of all don't let your therianthrophy experience be tainted by trying to maintain appearances trust me this community is too weird to care if people are conforming to 'therian standards'

And I've seen very well made horse gear before and I think you could pull it off splendidly I even offer to make you a horse mask pattern to build it from scratch if you're interested(for free of course)

I have a more uncommon theriotype and I count it as a blessing since I could wear my gear outside(I'm talking full on mask) and didn't feel like I stood out too much course whose gonna think the guy wearing a bird head is a therian it's Halloween after all

And as for cat gear I made my tail out of yarn but it was a tedious process due to how long it was so I honestly recommend just sowing two tails together if you have the skill(there are also sellers who have sowed together tails for sale if you manage to snatch one)

You could always commission a fursuiter for a tail or buy a pre made

As for finding meets it's definitely easier if you're from America

But yes Facebook is the place to search though I don't recommend jumping straight into meets

Scouring therian groups for people in your area is generally a safe place to start

I'd recommend going to furry/anime conventions in your area getting to meet some Furries might even find a therian or two

The more connections you make there the more likely you are to find some sort of Snapchat(or Whatsapp if you're European) group of therians in your area

Try to avoid TikTok at all cost you'll find 85% children willing to dox themselves at the drop of a hat and any groups they make is doomed to end in drama

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

This has to be a kid under 13 and you can't convince me otherwise

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

You learn to sow and you get cardboard and some glue and you go nuts

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

I'm actually a bird therian who is afraid of heights and I can say it sucks couse I have the urge and ability to climb up high but then instantly regret it but not enough to stop doing it

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Before felting change the structure of the mask to give it more unique features like a raised nose bridge or eyebrows it helps alot

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

I'd say around one hour a week or less there aren't many documentaries on grey herons plus I've watched them all and same for stray cats,or at least I can't find any documentaries on stray cats

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

I fully agree to the first part but just because Im not affected by my past deaths doesn't invalidate my experiences

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

Everyone can appreciate a good glow

Maine-coon,Grey heron,Brahma rooster

I didn't actually notice that but I'm not invested in this enough to try to figure out whether this poster is truly faking

Damn I might start skipping leg day when you put it that way