No. Other than the "veteran presence in the locker room", he brings nothing to this team anymore. He's too old and slow now (no disrespect to his previous accomplishments).

Can someone explain what is happening here? Is this how it sounded live, or was the audio edited to quiet the background vocals and focus only on her live mic? I was thinking it must be edited, but Gwen Stefani's reaction at the end makes me think maybe not...?

Must be Francis Sinclair time travelling... ;-)

You can totally walk under that! Pssft!

(I say from behind my computer screen in the safety of my home office... lol)

Saw two bighorn sheep doing the head butting thing today for the first time..

I'm going to guess it's because they're the only horse that is in the "elite" category. (not saying it's right or wrong)

Right after the announcement the Stampede was still on....?!

I for one... am shocked!!


The guy filming literally said at the end of the video they were doing it on purpose.. ".. yes we were pushing these dogs to the limit, but we also know.."


Like I always say to my golf partners who apologize for talking mid swing.. “if I can’t hit a get ball while you’re talking, I shouldn’t be playing this game..”

2nd sentence there… man, so true! I avoid Tim’s as much as I can these days, but one of my last visits I purposely checked my watch. I stood at the front of the in store lineup for 11 minutes as they waited on car after car in the drive-thru. Lineup gradually grew behind me and I could see the confusion in peoples body language. I really dislike confrontation so it took me that long to speak up, but when I did, they seemed annoyed with me and basically said something along the lines of “can’t you see the drive-thru is busy?” To which I said something to the effect of “can’t you see this line up of people that took the time to come inside your store? Are we not as important as the people in cars?” I don’t even think I made a dent..

PS - the pic above is blasphemy.. 😂

"Okay okay!! ONE more ride guys, and then I NEED to go to the bathroom!!"

This has to be edited right? The guy sitting down on the right side of the picture is just about the same height as the guy standing on the left...? I get the kid is tall, but....

I hope he put some sand in that divot afterwards....

Lots of room on the wagon still.. let’s goooooo!

I want to see what the suspension looks like from the outside..