I mean I think this whole thing has made it pretty clear that a majority of Jew haters also hate Arabs. They seem to just go by how dark peoples skin is in order of hate. So it's not wrong to use it for actual Semites.

I love that the justification for anti-Semite meaning only Jews is that an actual Nazi said it so thats the definition we are going with. Perhaps we shouldn't, particularly those who are the targets of Nazis, let actual Nazis decide what the words in our language mean.

Gays took back the pink tringle from the Nazis but Zionists want to keep letting the Nazis have power over words.

I mean yeah it makes me uncomfortable because of Nazi shit, but its also unfortunately 100% factual. Zionist would kind of cover that but that falls into the hole that there are loads and loads of anti-Semitic Christian Zionists.

It's like Zionists looked at all the lies Hitler spread about the Jews and were like: What if we actually do that?

I like that the only jokes in here are 'outside agitator' and praising Allah. The rest of this song is Based AF.

I mean that was the interesting part. Godzilla was always some sort of representation the the devastation caused by the atomic bomb on Japan. This movie seems to turn Godzilla more into the American war machine and the terror it caused. It's even based in the right era. That explosion was definitely something else and most definitely based on footage of atomic blasts.

It's like Zionists looked at all the lies Hitler made up about the Jews and thought...what if we actually do that?

This was already a meme floating around.

It was something like:

'If the Palestinians can just show a Golden Retriever getting blown up by the IOF Americans might care about the genocide."

And they actually did it. here we are.

Sounds like you already have a fat bike for gravel. I'd get a hard tail. You can lock the forks out when you aren't using them.

This footage makes me feel dumb for guffawing at over-the-top, cliff hanger, accident scenes like this in movies. Turns out it can really happen.

To fight fascism we have to re-elect the guy whose calling for 100,000 more cops, increased police funding in the wake of BLM, Has approved of police violence against college kids sitting on the grass (but said nothing about current neo-nazi marches), Pushed through 'section 702' without the restrictions it needs to stop from being used to spy on Americans, etc... /s

I mean, maybe Biden would also be polling better if he wasn't doing a genocide and pumping the highest amount of oil ever condemning people currently alive to water and food wars.

Nothing like rich assholes paying off politicians, to have college kids violently attacked, to push propaganda about an apartheid ethno-state, to excuse a genocide.

I said it on the baby stealing thread and I'll say it here.

It's almost like Zionists saw all the lies that Hitler made up about the Jews and went...what if we actually do those things?

Yeah this is a terrible strawman in the argument. Progressive don't care about declining birthrates. Only exploitive capitalists do. OP is clearly a neo-liberal concerned about wages and production.

The legal funds should be safe and well, legal. I gave a bunch of money to the A15 actions that were explicitly blocking ports and what not. You are donating money to pay for lawyers and bail, not for the blocking of ports.

But good on you for wanting to help. Donating food and money are the primary needs as has been stated. I'm also sure poster board/cardboard, markers, paint and sidewalk chalk would also be very useful.

This is so funny to whine about while Israel carries out a genocide.

Maybe we can cry for all the building that got destroyed?

Yeah, I only read the first book, but was basing this comment on the most recent movies, y'know, in the movie sub.

How much wood did you see out there on Arrakis?

Also they have a device for sucking all the water out of a dead body so they can drink it. Not sure our normal rules of morality apply to harsh survival situations.

I dislike that as the Fremen are a bunch of tight knit tribal groups. They would not be prone to letting their people drop dead. You saw how pissed some of them were when Paul beat that guy in a fair fight

Good ol firemen.

But yeah if that's the case I expect a bunch more furniture and wall decorations made of bone

In the US we have an epidemic of people wanting to commit suicide but also choosing to murder a bunch of other people first.

Just because you could kill yourself with pills doesn't mean that your guns shouldn't be removed as a precaution.

All they have to do is throw a skeleton or two in the landscape here and there

Biden is encouraging and arming this genocide. Trump isn't.

You seem to care more about hypotheticals than actual actions being taken.

Fair enough

A work place organized around the workers needs, the peoples needs and the ability to exchange goods with other workers collectives.

I just use basic pillow stuffing from an old pillow I was tossing. But now that you mention it I have some left over foam chunks from another pillow I should try using because it will likely pack down smaller.

I also use t shirts for the pillow casing and whatever soft flannel type material you can find on sale at a cloth store for the case (trust me you want a case, it gets gross. Also make the case about 2 inches longer in each dimension). If you have extra material you can make some for your friends.