Mark my words, they're going to totally drop the ball with Sage and there's not actually a long game plan like the fandom keeps saying.

It makes no sense at all why they would accept it. Medical research goes through several phases to ensure safety and efficacy, it makes even less sense that she could have legit cured cancer without human test subjects to use it on before presenting the research. Of course they're going to blow her off, she was a little kid.

I'm willing to just wave that away though because it's a TV show and it doesn't have to be 100% totally realistic. The point is that she had the cure (super intelligence) and big pharma basically told her to fuck off for money reasons. That's whatever and somewhat believable even if there's some holes in the story.

But the thing is that the idea that she's the smartest person in the world is falling flat on its face. Nothing she has done really indicates she's that much smarter than the average person. You don't need to be a super genius to cause a riot or trick firecracker into getting beat up on TV. I don't even know what exactly tf she was playing at messing with MM either unless she wanted to get shot. If anything, her screen time has shown that she's just not stupid and knows how to read people, which again, is not a super power.

Forced how exactly? It takes him less than 5 seconds with no effort to check and Hughie was the only one wearing a mask. It's more forced that he never bothered out of curiosity.

If the reason why Homelander doesn't immediately clock Hughie is because "the story can't have that yet", then it's a contrivance and bad story telling. There are ways to make it so that doesn't happen, but for whatever reason they just don't care to do it.

Will never happen, makes too much money. Actually, that whole conspiracy theory hinges on conservatives somehow being able to pass half the shit they supposedly want on all that. What makes ya'll think they're going to pass any of that shit when getting anything done in government is a bitch and a half?

I still think it's silly, like imagine you can do it whenever and it costs nothing, wouldn't you randomly do it out of curiosity? If you saw a dude in a mask, you wouldn't want to take a quick peek?

They've been writing homelander as to be so clueless it's almost like he's intentionally not trying to pay attention. While he's super arrogant and might not always have his guard up, it becomes a contrivance when that's the excuse every time.

Dude no, that just means that gay people in those places get down freaky, I'm willing to bet that majority of gays are not doing that. That's like going to the Southside of Chicago and saying that blacks like to sell drugs and be on gang shit.

If you go to certain heterosexual circles, I'm willing to bet you'll find crazy ssex shit as well.

I used to get hammered the night before and then go workout while having work the same day. Now I have to schedule my drinking nights so that I can lay in bed the day after.

The writing this season has been garbage and it's weird and a little amusing seeing people on this reddit bend over backwards to justify it. Somehow the show is too is clever and was just too smart for those pesky conservatives, yet you're not supposed to criticize it because it's supposed to be stupid and over the top anyway.

The show has always had over the top and crazy situations, but it was clever and atleast tried to be subtle. This season has characters just almost word for word reference real life politics like it's fucking SNL, and not the good episodes of SNL either.

I also want people defending the Hughie sex dungeon scene to pretend Hughie was a woman and then tell me it would be okay to play it for laughs. Show me a scene from anywhere outside of porn where a guy jerks off into his hand and rubs it into a tied up female character's face and it's supposed to be humorous. You can't because that would stir up a shit storm, it's entirely hypocritical and tone deaf. There's dark humor, and then there's going over the line, only edgy immature teenagers look at that and think it's okay.

That's not to mention the meandering bs side shit that's taking up the majority of the screen time. At this point I hope Frenchie just stays in jail and we never see him again, wasting everyone's time with his plot device bf who's only there is to make Frenchie hate himself more.

Honestly at this point I suspect that they're meandering with over the top sex, violence, and political shit to hide the fact that they have nothing to fill the airtime until season 5. Every episode so far has been 10% plot and the rest being inconsequential bullshit that nobody cares about and it's weird for them to focus on it when there's only 8 episodes this season.

Lmao dude for real, that was basically our response when I was watching it with my brother.

Idk I kinda called it right away when dude was only ever showing up to talk to Butcher and then none of the characters ever directly spoke to him either, just responded to Butcher. It would have been less obvious if he wasn't already seeing his dead wife also.

Yup, it's gonna be another election cycle of people hysterically shouting at the ceiling about how the other candidate is gonna ruin the country and cause WW3 or a civil war. Then we get a new president, whichever side got elected throws a bone or two to the people who voted for them, and shit doesn't really change.

What guys were buff in the games?

Lol you're fine, 23 is not that much older than 18. It really isn't, he's a grown ass man.

Walk away and cut all contact, reject any effort to reconnect. All you can do, don't let her try to talk because she'll trick you into staying.

Overhand right, that's basically my bread in butter I've used in boxing and MMA. Tends to land fairly often.

The mistake that nice guys make is that they assume that being nice will make women fall in love with them. They also tend to be doormats and let women walk all over them. They bring nothing else to the table outside the fact that they're nice. Women don't respect these men, and that naturally means they won't date them either.

"Bad boys" have a spine, they speak their mind and they'll call a woman out on her bullshit. It's sounds counterintuitive and don't take this the wrong way, but women like a guy that will dominate them. Not dominate as in forcing a woman to obey, but having the kind of personality that makes women choose to be submissive. They want a guy they can feel safe with, that means the guy has to be strong and strong willed and will take charge.

You want confidence and independence, you seriously don't have to be a dick, but unfortunately a lot of women confuse it with arrogance and douchy behavior. Especially in your age group, you're going to see that a lot, but it's not something you need to lower yourself into doing.

In a nutshell, if you want a gf, be confident, be respectful, make her laugh. You also don't let her walk all over you and you make it clear that you're not going to follow her around like a puppy.

Women might not actually be the ones fighting, but I seriously doubt they're just sitting on their hands while the men are out there. Winning a war is not just shooting at people, it's logistics, mass production, caring for the dying and sick, and holding it down on the home front while the men go out and fight. You can look back in the history of the US and see that women did a lot for the war effort in various conflicts. It's most likely the same case with Ukrainian women.

Men are drafted because they're better suited for it and idgaf how much people want to get butthurt about it as if war is a fucking tiktok about inclusivity. Women should not be fighting, but they absolutely contribute during war-time.

Tbf I've never seen him drink or smoke, or atleast, I don't remember. That's 2 for 3 right there.

IMO the problem is that (atleast in the US) we have way too many carbs in our diet that is just fast sugar. So we dump our bodies with it, which makes our body dump insulin, which lowers our blood sugar, which makes us hungry again.

When I started eating more fats and protein while drinking mostly water, I got hungry way less.

Oh it's a thing that I'm sure every guy has experienced. Not every girl does it, but plenty absolutely know what they're doing. You'll realize it when you get a gf and they're up your ass and might even try to hook up to sabotage the relationship.

That's kind of inaccurate, women on average tend to have average intelligence. Majority of men also tend to be average, but there's more variation where men will be very dumb or very smart.

Rhaenyra's Dietician

Says the woman who killed dozens if not hundreds of people at the temple just to glare angrily at the nobles and fly away. That's a really funny high horse she's sitting on.