Please stay strong I don’t know where you are from but where are you from maybe we can get you some recourses to help you get you back on your feet or just help you in some way let me know I’ll get back to with any info or help I can you are worth helping and worth saving the world loves and cares for even if it’s not always good at showing that to you 

Sounds like your daughter has a new job opening your chests

Nice I just got 99 thieving today and thought that was nice and here this man is getting his first column right on man

Question on foot pedalsQuestion

I have a question on foot pedals and if they are allowed or not trying to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome due to jnjury and want to get 99 thieving

Question for jagex regarding foot pedalsQuestion

I am training thieving almost at 99 want to avoid getting carpal tunnel are foot pedals allowed so I can alternate between mouse and pedal to prevent getting carpal tunnel I have heard people getting banned for this some say allowed hoping to hear from jagex mod regarding this or I won’t risk using and getting a ban

I mean the footage they get of him smashing camera is still pretty good atleast lol so maybe worth it I mean it’s entertaining so probably network doesn’t mind losing a camera once and while if it means they will get entertaining footage 

My favorite character is Gandalf because he is both capable and wise he is all the things you would expect from a wizard plus he is never late

Did you all know there is Easter egg in wild with Gollum if you try to use gold ring on volcano on bridge

No it would not might even be worse and worldwide would be worse

This would be so perfect for me I just got new computer need new monitor hope i get a chance to review it

It’s notable that they could not have launched those missiles as Moscow would ned To approve missile launch making them effectively useless  as missile launch codes were in Russian hands

Not just any duck a psyduck 

It’s there own fault for just casually letting you set up a cannon

Would professor yuens work for sloth or maybe Kermit or some one lazy like that crazy guy competing against Frank in the hobo loco contest 

Always remember mandy is a crazy bitch who is no better then Karen Karen is actually better then mandy 

Really glad to hear it fell through those saying we should trade him don’t realize we may not win next year but will have cap room to fill problems we had this year next year and Ulmark and sway are keeping us from mediocre team if not worse I promise those ot l would be regulation losses if we didn’t have them

Honestly the best way to promote palistianian two state solution is to create a stronger movement to vilify Hamas by palistianians thus making them more likely to agree to a two state solution and push harder for a two state solution only solution is a two state solution