Sleeper account

Of course it was. I'm in your age range.

<$20 pitchers everywhere.

Usually wings and a pint under a tenner.

It was cheap and fun af.

Sorry you missed that.

Is it three differently flavoured sachets, or just a smorgasbord of all three together?


Or, you know, you could educate yourself. I lived there, I am well aware there's no fucking tin foil hat, unless it's you prancing around in one.

London is the only city outside of China to feature in the top 10. The capital of the United Kingdom has 627,727 cameras for a population of 9.3 million – equal to one camera for every 14 residents.

They have over 500 for the ULEZ zone alone.

Research by Clarion Security Systems estimates that there are over 942,562 CCTV Cameras in London's 607 square miles, equating to 1552.82 CCTV cameras per square mile.

You're fucking embarassing with your tin foil hat nonsense with all of the ignorance of someone not already on the internet. Thanks for downvoting cited facts. It must be really hard to be that wilfully ignorant. Keep it up, ace!

Don't even say that.

Your doctor just needs to sign off on medical leave. No more info needs to be given beyond that.

I think it's fair to say the majority didn't actually want kids.

And want grandkids even less.

You guys live in a police state though. You can't walk a block without at least five government cameras watching you.

That's fucked.

It's gotta be bigger than winterlude isn't it?

I'd do this.

If it happens again, then you can send a notice of trespass, just send it registered.

Everytime this fence goes back up or the neighbours step on the property call bylaw.

Three calls, you can bring in Municipal fence viewers, who will use that info to make your neighbour pay for a fence since they seem to keep trespassing.

This video format sucks. Fuck it.

What are you missing? I can see all of mine.

Who records a video vertically that they're watching on a screen?

Is this your first time using a camera or technology?


Good luck. Be sure to post updates or issues so you can get help as required. The LTB is known to give out inaccurate advice, so be wary of that.

It's abhorrent when shitty companies try to evict tenants, especially the elderly.

No. They said the lineup was indicative of how bad it is in Canada.

Simply put, if you have hundreds of people desperate enough to line up for hours for a chance at a minimum wage job it means the entire country is bleak.

No one said anything about foreigners but you.

Sleeper account

Those aren't asylum seekers, which is what this article is about. $11 million plus on people who flew or walked in to Canada or let their visas expire.

Sleeper account

Hey. We got weed for those childless dog walks. It's the only thing getting me through my day to day in this country right now.

Not paying rent is one of the easiest ways to evict someone. Also ensures that it's that much harder to find a new place if it gets posted to open room.

This is the stupidest advice ever. Do NOT stop paying rent.

You need to stop giving out shitty advice. Why are you in this sub trying to fuck with people's housing?

Everyone has earwig problems, even on main floors. It's that time of year.

Just buy some food grade diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it down. Safe for kids and pets, like jagged glass to crawlies.,of%20firewood%2C%20boards%20or%20debris.

They sneak into mine through the patio door. I just resprinkle some earth down after I vacuum and I don't see them much anymore.

Where would you rent from if everyone put their money into tech stocks?