Macan S

Yeah, I used to live in both Hamburg and near Osnabrück at a different time. The A31 towards Emden/Leer is still one of my favorite stretches of freeway anywhere.

And lets him then start swinging about the American people saying late 70s is too old to run

Harris-Whitmer ticket, to keep those juicy campaign donations while igniting women voters and not alienating the Midwest, AND taking Michigan off the contested states list?

That'd be my guess.

Macan S

As a note, if you like crossing the 250kmh line on Sunday morning drives, THAT might be a circumstance that most commenters here don't consider in terms of extra downforce. Bei 280 würde ich schon erwarten, dass man einen Unterschied merken könnte...


Having their jobs due to the guy in question is presumably why they're asking.

As is tradition.

It is a great day for the Netherlands, and therefore, the world

Dyson himself said:

"A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. The form of 'biosphere' which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star"

A Dyson Swarm does not preclude life continuing on earth. Rather, imagine solar satellites working as the sun's power to the earth is only reduced, not blocked.


Have you read the post stickied at the top of this sub? Do you have an Apple Watch?

If you read it you'll find that watches are notoriously unreliable unless given good data. You're not giving your watch good data.

If you want to have an actual idea of what your Vo2max is, go to a local outdoor track, and perform the 12-minute Cooper test as described in that post — and set your watch to record it as a track run.

Then you'll have data about what your Vo2max roughly is because what you're describing right now in terms of the data your giving your watch it might as well say "blueberry" or "motorcycle" instead of 28. (Which is just to say: if the data is terrible, the result will be wrong and useless.)

Macan S

How about drive responsibly on public roads, perhaps enjoy driving it in high-performance driving events and doing other things befitting an eminently capable sports car at the top of its class?

You see, in life, there is nuance in many things. And driving a sports car like a sports car is not a non-binary where not garage-queening it is tantamount to wrapping it around a tree.

Macan S

What happened to von Oktobern bis Ostern? ;)

Autobahn <3

Is there a reason for that wildly broad estimation? or is 250-480mph meant to indicate that it could continue accelerating across that range?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but L2 is behind the sun-earth axis and therefore on the opposite side of where a shade would help, correct? That's why the James Webb Space Telescope is orbiting L2: it's dark and stable.

It should be at Lagrange 1 if I understand, sitting between the sun and earth.

Macan S

Yep, this is arguably the classiest of the color combos (with Aventurine + Club being another contender).

Autobahn <3

To be fair, I've not been TOO far off that speed myself in Germany and in the right circumstances it feels.... remarkably unremarkable

When you have roads that can handle 300+kmh as a matter of course, 347kmh in an AMG One is going to be super easy and nothing.

Macan S

Or get the other one and get a Fidelity Platinum (exclusion-based) warranty on it. My experience has been remarkably positive with my Fidelity warranty.

For all warranty cases I've had, they've been repaired at the dealer and they've worked with Fidelity, and I didn't have to do anything but pay the deductible.

I think both Microsoft and Google cover a huge amount of their power via actual renewables (not just carbon credits), and as I recall they have something of an escalated gentleman's agreement to both be net neutral on energy (maybe even all the way back to their inception in terms of total use) by some relatively soon date.

I'll check for sources in the morning but it seems at least those two are genuinely investing a ton into exactly that.

Meet with someone who is a fees-based advisor who is a fiduciary. Anyone else is going to see you as a product from whom they can make money.

Also, reading this may save you many thousands of dollars:

The Trinity Study references 4% being a high-probability safe option on a 30-year horizon.

3% is far safer in perpetuity. Here's an article with updated Monte Carlo math based on the study:

$7 million at 3% means $210,000 in perpetuity. Do that. Even better, keep an income going for a while and you'll build that egg and your long-term prospects.

Macan S

Chrome on a car like this always reminds me immediately of the Audi Avus concept. And therefore, I love it.

Autobahn <3

Clearly! But your way is the way.

Have a good day, my dude. The Autobahn is real and it's so, so good in cars like the M5.

Autobahn <3

Thank you! Seriously, don't know what this person is going for. 

My response to them was

I've held an M550d at 163mph for 10+ minute stretches and passed police while doing so. The M5 has a higher limiter.    

You'd think they'd duck out when they're losing, not double down.

Autobahn <3

What's the fastest you've legally driven a 5-Series? I've held an M550d at 163mph for 10+ minute stretches and passed police while doing so. The M5 has a higher limiter.   

You're not doing well with your arguments. Autobahn cruising and crossing the continent is literally what it was made for.