no clue what you are talking about

veritas vinci, to make hussite official hre religion, I formed Silesia beacuse I wanted to play my home region and get the achievment by the way

normally there are only two jewish provinces in the world at 1444, located in Ethiopia. but somehow macedonia got converted to jewish and I have no clue how and I only noticed when the rebels spawned. then I just let them convert my provinces while I was fighting with France


R5: Just finished maybe one of the weirdest gameplays I've ever had. I was doing an achievment completly unrelated to what happened later and accidently became Jewish and then conquered Germany for the lols. Alternate history at it's finest.

Got lucky with the alliances(got Hungary and Russia early game and as I grew also Poland) In the early game I focused on dominating the hordes and caucasus areas waiting for occasion to stab the Turks. The main thing is you HAVE to use your allies manpower instead of yours. During war with Genoa I managed to vassalize one of German princes (I think Hesse) which was my first footstep in Germany. I waited for Muscovy to get as big as possible then used the CB from mission tree which granted you PU over strongest russian country. Then my eyes turned west and I started the invasion:-). I made path in the balkans to reach austria and then dissmantled the HRE. Up until 1600 I didnt have a single province in the ottoman region and before 1650 other than hesse, no provinces in HRE so dont worry if you think its to late(also I didnt tryhard as much as it was more of a chilling game(its fun tho besides horrendous economy of theodoro)). Also the starting ideas were diplo, admin and influ of course.

It happened so early in the game I couldnt stop it :-(

Yeah, the finishing conditions are supossedly as you said but: - I thought changing tag would also change tag in your point no 2 - On wiki its said that you ARE playing as theodoro.

My bad but achievment description is wrong nevertheless

R5: While on run for Ghotic Invasion achivement I decided it would be great to form Germany for claims and ideas.

Turns out you cannot form other nations to get the achievment of what I had to learn the hard way.

I formed Germany and the achievment was still there in the achievment window as available so I was decieved and had to roll back 100 years :sadge:

The achievment's description says "starting as Theodoro" not "playing as Theodoro" so be careful out there and dont make the same mistake.

Keep the cool purple colour.

R5: Playing as Venice (or any republic) you can take government reform Tier 11 Dynastic Rule which allows you to take royal marriages.

You won't get alert flag for missing heir in other countries or place your dynasty on their thrones, but you are able to get into succession wars when they occur.

As you can see I was able to fight for Polish throne vs Lithuania so I took the chance.

Haven't played republics that much to get to this point but this might come handy for some people so Im sharing it, if someone didn't know about that :-)

I meant same foe of course. As far as I am concerned, you can't invite ally if they are already fighting against someone you want to declare war on.

R5: I declared war on France in June and several months later Spain invited me to the same war, i checked both options and nothing happens either way

Neither:) I started as Aq Qoyunlu and culture swapped to Armenian

I'm already 50 years futher into the game and currently I am the one who doesnt acknowledge Persia, maybe I can answer your question if there is any

R5: Persia decided they don't have time to attack Fars and simply just don't acknowledge their existence

It's government mechanic for tribal kingdoms from reform Tribal Federations, from battles you get tribal allegiance(at max you get -3 unrest and 33% mapower recovery) that you can spend on one of the three perks such as free generals, cav combat ability or horseman recruitment. Aq Qoyunlu starts with that reform at 1444.

R5: Saluzzo PUd Burgundy after inheritance, of course they have 100% liberty desire