We need to not only reduce the number but also be very selective in the process. We just can’t accept everyone and their 300 relatives that they wish to bring along…

Yep. And honestly we should stop or limit refugees…our own people are struggling already why the fuck are we not helping them and helping foreigners instead?

Well they have one thing in common…that’s what I was getting at haha.

For the next election at least, I’m voting for whoever promises to stop mass immigration and the international students bullshit. Whether it’s conservatives or PPC, I’m not sure, but definitely not liberals nor NDP.

Uh I’m not surprised because of the guy’s political affiliation but…ya…

Also was in university about 12 years ago, I felt like the ratio was close to 1:1? But many Chinese international students come from rich families so they’re really out here to enjoy life rather than trying to (over)stay and bring in their direct family and 500 of their relatives…

Have you thought about laser surgery? I have myopia and astigmatism and am considering…

Vancouver would be great if you already own a property (probably settled here before early 2000s). Otherwise housing is unaffordable lol.

Actually, someone (Russia, Germany and France) did blink an eye lol. That’s why Japan only annexed Taiwan (Korea became independent which Japan annexed later). China “bought back” Liaodong Peninsula which was originally given to Japan as well.

This. I’m all for legit international students and legit immigrants who will benefit Canada, but definitely not mass immigration from some 3rd world country who will become the burden of the society.

And by then we will change the country name from Canada to New India.

And we need to be very selective in who we let in and stop importing from one specific country where people are bringing every single one of their relatives over.

Why does this even need to be polled? Illegals need to be deported period.

Also those in the name of international students who try to over stay and throw a tantrum when not granted also need to be sent home immediately.

They used to be in North and Central Surrey only and now they are invading South Surrey and White Rock…

We need to physically castrate him by removing the balls.

Pearl district is nice, lots of great coffee shops, rose garden and Japanese garden are great, but downtown is a huge mess…

Not just that. Once they are in, they start bringing in 500 of their relatives and families and swarm the local retail jobs.

I used to see actual high school students working part time in the retail stores in my neighborhood. Now every supermarket, fast food places, you name it, are flooded with Indians.

Exactly. We need immigration, but not in the form of massive importation of retail workers who are going to bring 500 of their families and relatives.

We need doctors, nurses, engineers, technicians, etc, actual skilled people who aren’t going to be competing against our Canadian high school students for part time retail jobs…