Look up ASDF movies "I like trains".... 😂

Frittata and Spanish tortilla (which is a kind of omelette). They taste of the stuff you add rather than of eggs.

It's more that you have to follow the recipes EXACTLY. No room for creativity.

Openfire is an XMPP protocol open source messaging system. I previously installed it to stop people sharing PII over Yahoo messenger. If you install the server you can require encryption from the client.

You should run this past your compliance officer.

With a bread machine it becomes annoying rather than hard

It's called lapsang souchong

Expression is totally "is MAI lollipop"

I think this has been addressed on ask a manager, and the answer is don't.

Don't smuggle cardamine, it's not worth the hassle from Liberty Police.

Lack of protein in the soup is on the cook, not the soup.

Honestly, just try various different BBQ sauce recipes till you find a good one. I recently made Betty Crocker BBQ sauce, substituting rice vinegar for cider, and smoked paprika for the liquid smoke. It's outstanding.

Kashmiri chili is around 30000 Scoville. Swap it out for paprika.

Once any whole chillis have cooked, pull them out.

Pretty much everything you're likely to need is either already a GUI, or you can put a GUI on top.

The thing about Linux is that there's generally multiple ways to do what you want to do. Command line is one option, albeit the most powerful way to do it.

This was evil and petty and nitpicky lawyering.

Fckin *bravo

Salt. Mustard. Vinegar or other similar acidic ingredient. Tweak ratios to your taste.