
You think his secretary is making $100,000 a year?

Also, that wasn't your point. Asking if they think he should pay more in taxes does not make the point that he doesn't make more than his secretary.

His income isn't relevant to their point. No one said Buffet specifically should be taxed more, they pointed out that he himself has said he pays less taxes than his secretary even though he makes more.

I'm not the one who has to make up gay people to try and justify my opinions. Project all you, though, sis. I'm sure someone believes it.

I'm sure they are considering they're made up characters. I'd wager that's most of what "we people" take issue with.

Just so we're clear, having a gay relative wouldn't make your arguments any less shitty or uninformed. Go play the game "I know a minority" game with your dumbass fellow alt-right weirdos.

(my cousin is gay)

Your cousin, huh? Guess your gay brother didn't warrant a mention. Any other made up gay family members you'd like to use as a prop for your shitty arguments?

You're not sure how they think public representation helps gay people? That can't be a serious question.

Maybe instead of living a life without penetrative sex you could just choose to douche and bottom instead of expecting other people to do it for your benefit. You being too fragile to handle even the thought of a bit of mess while you're sticking your dick into the place where that mess comes out is pathetic.

But which type of man will get the most attention objectively ?

There's no way to objectively rank this because we have no hard data on it. Any answer will be subjective.

That's the original Rainbow Quartz. Opal  only has the one set of eyes.

Pretty telling that none of you will directly answer the question that's being asked.

1, 4, 6, and arguably 5 are the same thing. You aren't ready for an open relationship if you're that hung up on worrying about your partner's feelings because there's no way for him to allay fears like that.


Can mod just

Well no because, as this community loves to point out everytime anyone mentions moderation that they don't agree with, the mods are hands-off and have no interest in policing the content here.

Not to mention, why would they even care about these posts specifically? Tons of shit is posted about ad nauseum here. 'My straight friend blah blah blah', 'Islam blah blah blah', 'Am I gay blah blah blah'. The mods don't give a fuck and they won't start because you lack the ability to ignore topics that are spammed.

can we please just finally call out these repeated attempts to coerce us into "just trying" people who are or live as the opposite sex as what it is, CONVERSION THERAPY!?!

Also, what a stupid thing to say. People trying to coerce you into something is not the same thing as conversion therapy. You literally called it what it is: coercion. Not conversion therapy, just coercion.


how do you know what form of the word he used?

Ah yes, and I'm sure you'd be questioning if he used a different version of the word if it had been reported that he said 'n***a' instead of 'n****r', right?

Go peddle your virtue signaling bullshit elsewhere.

Not unless you open it immeadiately when you jump. The bridge's clearance above the water is ~220 feet and when base jumping you open it around 200 feet. If you followed that person's suggestion you'd definitely still be seriously injured, if not dead.

Hilarious to talk about overgeneralizing while going on about cops in 200 hundred countries when the conversation is about American police.

Licking those boots doesn't make the phrase any less true.

It's really not that hard to understand unless you're stupid. Tel Aviv was the seat of the Knesset before Jerusalem. It may not make sense, but it's very easy to understand.

I mean that tends to happen when you listen to an artist's fans and take their opinions at face value. The same happens with literally every artist, you just hear it more with Beyoncé because she's bigger than almost anyone else.

and sold again, and recalled again.

No. It was recalled in 2019 and has stayed under recall since. You might be thinking of them re-announcing the recall last year after more deaths had been reported due to people continuing to use them.

Something like this  would be nice.

  • Green - 9.0+ (great)
  • Blue - 8.0-8.9 (good)
  • Yellow - 7.0-7.9 (decent)
  • Orange - 5.5-6.9 (okay)
  • Red - 1.0-5.4 (below average)

C is more of an 'acceptable' than an 'average' and the grade ranges end in x9, not x0 (i.e. C would be 70-79, not 70-80).

Also, are Ds even a thing? I always thought they were just a movie thing. Starting school in 1997 and ending in 2011, in Georgia, we had:

  • 0-69: F (bad)
  • 79-79: C (acceptable)
  • 80-89: B (good)
  • 90-100: A (great)

It's even fucking funnier now, you're 100% right.

Well it's less funny in reality then because the kid was 17.


48% were men and to bring the ratio to 1:9 would require 87.5% of them (42% out of 48%) to be civilians. You're still making up statistics.

Also, the UN doesn't require anything. 9 of 10 casualities of war being civilians isn't a definition, it's a statistic.

Correcting your very wrong numbers and assertations doesn't require me to think they've met that ratio. You should be stating facts instead of making shit up no matter what your opinion is.

It is kind of telling that you think me just stating the actual numbers and sourcing them is me trying to make Israel look bad, though.


The UN just decreased the number of civil casualties by 50%.

No, it revised the number of women and children killed to 52%. Not civilian casualities total, just women and children.

It turns that the IDF has 1:1 combatants-to-civil casualties.

It turns that ratio to ~1:1 men to women and children. The UN doesn't differentiate between civilian/militant adult male casualties and not all men are militants so it's less than 48% militant casualties and more than 52% civilian casualties.

Stop making up statistics to justify what's happening over there.

UN states that it's usually 1:7. So the IDF is 7 times more precise than other armies.

This is also wrong. It's 1:9 and we don't know what the IDF's ratio is because neither side can be trusted to give accurate numbers and no third party differentiates between civilian and militant adult casualties.