It’s taller but generally the same cabin space if not smaller. But for some people, they don’t like the stigma of driving a soccer mom car (minivan) and driving a luxury SUV is a compromise (it’s a status symbol to drive an expensive vehicle)

I love minivans. They are so versatile, are as trucks or luxury SUV for owners who need a reliable and affordable vehicle that can transport a lot of people or has the space to move a lot of stuff. Granted luxury SUVs have a better drivetrain and are designed to also tow things. Minivans have a very small towing capacity and it’s not recommended to use them to tow anything (unless you want to to wear your transmission well under 150k miles)

He’s parked in a compact car spot. It should be on the property owner to label “compact cars only” for spots like that.

It is but opens you up at being at the mercy of jerks who will then assume that that spot is not yours and open to anyone.

Thing about signs is that jerks will pull the “well there was a sign there once that would say that that spot it available for anyone (the jerks assuming the apartment company put the signs up)”

Didn’t close captioning show 48 hours?

:authright:- Auth-Right

Wasnt it him being caught with top secret documents that were stored in his home since the Obama term (which he did not have executive privilege to declassify those documents)

:authright:- Auth-Right

You’ll get him convicted 2 years after his obituary

:authright:- Auth-Right

Could be that Trump has instructed his legal team to throw what would have been an extremely easy defense knowing that it would boost his polls and result in him gaining a boatload of campaign funds. Trump also knows that sentencing and appeals process (which he can easily breeze through) is free press

I mean HL is evil but generally acts out like a toddler who doesn’t get what he wants. Comic book version of Stan Edgar should be 9/10 on this list

Is there an actual story behind this? The only thing I can find is people trying to find out who the creator was.

They originally mentioned they wanted to stick to an actual release time/date but they have had to delay episodes due to length of scheduling issues. Also note that Hunter/Wendigoon frequently post independent content in their own respective channels. I recommended you check out Papa Meat and Wendigoon on YouTube. I’m not well versed with Isaiah’s channel but Hunter releases a lot of content in a given week ranging from SCP readings, pop culture, tier lists of almost anything imaginable (horror movies franchises, cereal, types of alcohol, soft drinks, etc), taboo topics, IRL creepy stories and trending topics. If you enjoy Hunter’s commentary you’ll love his channel and it’s a a good distraction while you wait for other content on Creepcast to drop.


Maybe he just wanted to modify the error handling functions to include this sprite


Guess that’s why he had 120 hour work weeks. Dude was in the corner trying to compile 10,000 png images of code he transcribed.

To be fair if the director was someone like Stanley Kubrick, he would force the actors to do 156 takes over 19 hours and then proceed to blame Kristen Dunst for ruining everything.

Let’s be honest, in this day and age asking someone at a big box store for technical advice will probably result in very incorrect responses. The most training and experience that guy had with staining was probably a single mandatory 30 minute online web training he had to take by the company (where the store manager coached him to answer the right questions because no one ever pays attention to the video)

My answer is no because it’s a ridiculous prompt. Humans are not mindless birds and have enough higher thinking to know that they need to quarantine themselves when they are sick in order to avoid spreading any viral diseases. Additionally, we also are able to understand risk and develop preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of transmitting a communal disease. Avian flu is extremely contagious and in a different league than COVID in terms of transmission rates between same species.

There are ways bird owners can reduce the risk, but ultimately the only way they can prevent spreading a highly contagious disease is by culling their livestock/pets.


Does your family shit, drool and sneeze everywhere and proceeds to walk on all fours naked on said mess before going out in public (so they can spread the mess everywhere they go?). Do you let strangers come and go into your home as they please so they can shit, piss, drool and sneeze over everything?

Some owners quarantined their birds (the zoo I lived near closed their aviary to the public and were able to keep their birds safe during the bird flu that was jumping around).

More so like a bottle of paint thinner or bottle of kerosene (both of which are sold by the same company). President election really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme and congressional and local elections is the real decider of what choices. Wish we didn’t have a two party system (which tends to make complex issues into support/opposition issues).

Let’s be real. Both huff and talk a lot but expect the other side of the aisle to run as an opposition party so their agenda is never fully realized. Republicans talk a lot about healthcare reform and gutting ACA but never do it even after they have majority in house/senate with Republican president. Conversely Democrats always talk about a single payer system but bills always die in subcommittees and those that make it will fail when Democrats are in power.

Until the two party system is fixed, things will never get done. And at my age I’m starting to feel like that is the design of US political system. We bicker over small things and when “our party” is in power, the majority always balks and kicks the can or passes a bill that throws a lot of money at something (typically at the benefit of a large corporate entities whether it’s defense spending, infrastructure, or education or economic safety nets).

My problem was that land battles made galactic conquest crawl. As much as I love playing Empire, impossible to play as them because Rebellion bot would always spam MPTL and Solo/Chewbacca on a land raid. Cant auto-resolve because that feature was broken and always favored 3 MPTL and Solo over dozens of Imperial units garrisoned on the planet on top of shields, turbolasers, air superiority, and completely built up bases. If they did lose you end up having your entire base destroyed and all garrisoned land troops destroyed (and rebels will send another raiding party 0.5 seconds after the land battle ended).

Right-To-Life Conservative

It didn’t help anything that Biden campaign decided to do a victory lap and weigh in on the matter BEFORE a verdict was reached by getting DeNiro to rant about how democracy is saved.

Even if it wasn’t their intention, their campaign will now be viewed as directly interfering with democratic elections by trying to sway public opinion for what’s supposed to be an impartial judicial process (with hopes that Biden’s opponent will not be able to continue campaigning). Whoever decided on making that boneheaded move on the Biden camp needs to be fired.

Right-To-Life Conservative

It’s sad for them to seriously think that Trump would see a picosecond of a prison cell. This case is destined to be torn apart in appeals. The only reason why Democrats and liberal DAs pushed these charges was so they can call Trump a “convicted Felon” for the next 5 months. After election season, this case will go nowhere and it will be business as usual.

Whats funny about this whole ordeal is that it’s supporting Trump’s campaign.

I mean human trafficking is real and a pretty serious issue within the US and worldwide (accounting for the second largest criminal industry worldwide)

Just look up Human/Sex Trafficking raids and you find far too many cases within the US of illicit trafficking rings (those are the ones the Feds busted and dismantled).

Washing hands and personal hygiene was also a thing back then. It’s why religions like Judaism had “weird rules” concerning what food was allowed or how you couldn’t do certain things when you were “unclean”.

It more than likely wasn’t to please god but was instituted because some dumbass tried to eat raw shellfish/pork and died shitting their brains out (so now no one can eat unclean creatures as per God’s commandments).

Or guy that was out in the desert for a couple days can’t handle food, butcher livestock, or have sex with his wife until he takes a bath because he probably used his hands to clean shit out his ass or spent a larger portion of that time in solitude jerking it in the wild (and will get people sick or his wife will get a UTI and die)

:authright:- Auth-Right

Does it really matter? Whatever ghoul ends up in the White House isn’t going to change the US for the better. Corporations love seeing this because distracts voters from actually pressing lawmakers to work on real issues. So if Biden wins and Trump goes to prison, libleft will be too busy high-fiving each other (proclaiming that they saved democracy) while Biden admin spends another 4 years making up excuses why they can’t do anything about the wage gap, personal/student loan debt, immigration reform, government spending, healthcare, etc.

Conversely if Trump manages to leapfrog in polls and win. We’ll spend the next four years arguing about how he wore sweatpants and served McDonalds at a White House gala that is typically a Black Tie event or how he offended a foreign politician nobody really liked but people end up rallying to their defense. (While the same issues above are still fucked).

I feel like all this BS is making me a centrist bit at the same time it’s expensive af these days to grill and libleft is trying to gaslight me into thinking that there never was inflation or that it’s good for me (and my monkey brain can’t comprehend the long term economic impact)