beyond a shadow of a doubt

The bar is "reasonable doubt", btw.

even in 2024. People will just assume that they're not married.


I don’t think he’ll appreciate that response.

Then he's pretty sexist, isn't he?

How is he going to treat his daughters? What is going to teach his sons?

he was pro choice

The man has five children by three women, that we know of. I cannot believe that no woman ever aborted a pregnancy that he helped cause. I'd say he paid for it but it's more likely he promised to pay for it but didn't.

I don't think he did send investigators, but that would be a nice gig. Just hang out on the beach and occasionally field a phone call and say you're "still looking into it."

I feel like this person is really putting too much effort into glassware.

They're felonies because the fraud was to cover up another crime.

This sub decided long ago that baskets for fried foods are acceptable and even a good idea. Even if they're cutesy.

They always opposed being subject to the same laws as everyone else.

Booo, ADHD is not a blessing.

This is a classic way of managing ADHD forgetfulness. Blockers so you can't skip something without a reminder. It works for non-ADHD folks, too, but people with ADHD often can't function without this sort of thing.

There is not a "looks bar" that men have to pass. Look through this whole post worth of comments and see all the women talking about what they're interested in from a man. There's so much more than looks.

I'm not "dancing around" anything. I'm stating outright and directly that looks aren't what I mean when I say "attractive."

As for "making it harder," I think that being good-looking can help you get someone's attention, but so can being funny or kind or athletic or having cool hobbies. Because, again, looks are only part of what makes a person attractive.

Probably because there's a bunch of other stuff going on in the country and the world and that one issue is pretty damn complex.

neither option is good

Neither option is perfect, which is never, ever going to be the case for presidential elections. But one option is horrifyingly bad while the other is mostly fine to good with maybe a few points of wild disagreement.

Putting it as neither being good really diminishes the differences between them. Biden is in favor of rule of law and democracy. That's a very low bar that the other option doesn't meet.

Everyone who is or could become

Or who gives a shit about anyone who is any of these things. Empathy, folks.

Those look much better than my first attempt at bagels.

Good job! How do they taste?

From now on, walk to work in comfortable shoes and change at the office. Better yet, wear comfortable shoes all day long.

If your trainers are cloth you should be able to throw them in the washing machine and the dryer on air-dry or low heat, at least for a bit to get them partly dry. Put them in a pillow case in the dryer to minimize banging around if you don't have a dryer shelf for drying things without tumbling.

Yeah, see the replies to my comment for men who think I was only talking about looks. Attractive people aren't all hot. Lots of them are kind and funny and helpful and sweet and fun in bed. And, yeah, someone who is physically attractive becomes very unattractive if they're a shit person.