I specifically said Take WIC away. Because they had that in their mission statement for over a year. Your last two sentences explain everything though.

The GOP is. They’ve been trying for a while. You are more than welcome to type that into google to check. Tons of instances and examples show up

Maybe she never went and got help. There’s a whole generation of “don’t air your dirty laundry” out there.

I don’t even watch sports and I remember when someone helps someone on the other team up, or stays back with them to help them finish a race, or looses because they went to make sure their opponent was alright.

I dunno, you should bring it here so I can taste it and check

Hilarious since HyVee sponsors the ppl trying to take WIC away

The republicans are really pushing that “the dems want to replace Biden” rhetoric, huh

And still not drag queens.

That’s what happens when you tin turmeric and tomato things with other things. Edit: an entirely awful typo fixed

There are lots of examples where a type of degree and then getting that job gets you a title, Doctor comes to mind. Master Carpenter ( trade schools count too!) is another. Also, Teacher…there are more probably. I need more coffee to really build up the sarcasm maybe. Either way, yours is a silly question that you likely knew better of before asking with all of that audacity.

Weird then that there are head cooks…and then ALso chefs. It’s almost like….they’re two different jobs… oh wait

I provided evidence based things. Wild that a straight, white guy that’s voting Trump, would think everything is perfectly fine. Also on brand that your argument was instead a series of hopeful guesses as insults. That’s not really constructive, but it does sort of push data more my way.

Such a bad day for your little straight Caucasian self that you can’t even find a retort for my points, huh? That’s okay. I’m sure you can find something to copy paste from Facebook.

Exactly. We’re old school lithium batteries. Overcharge us and we empty to zero first.

Weird way to out yourself as a racist misogynist scared of ppl wearing dresses, but I don’t have a say in how ppl come out.

Whomst the heck keeps a pair of unfolded socks in a utility cabinet??

I can’t afford an award, so I’m drawing you a star

It’s the trumpers spreading it. It’s where it started.

And offering no proof of premie statues. Looking like a normal, healthy baby. And why not just let that filtering fall….oh there it goes, showing off those pock marks and extra wrinkles we all already knew were there. There is no point to her doing this as I am sure no one asked.