And are they the only people that you're blaming here then? And once their status changes, if they become full citizens, it's no longer their fault?

I mean, if someone lives here now, aren't they Canadian? Aren't most of the people who live here immigrants, or descendants of immigrants?

I would say that the majority of bad drivers that I see personally are not visible minorities. I agree that the driving has gotten worse, but I don't blame that on the recent additions to the road.

Not to say that the folks at Green Room are perfect, or that they made a smooth transition to the new location or anything, but suggesting someone not go there because of a beef you had (that you were making public with the comments you were making to another barber) with them 2 years ago seems pretty petty in its own right... Just saying - the irony here is kinda πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Somehow she never stops to think that she can visit without staying with any of them? You're imposing on their lives, they shouldn't have to mold to you, or suffer reading an article full of complaints you have about them. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

"pedestrian involved in crash" πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” "pedestrian hit by car" πŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Exactly. But that's not what they're claiming - they're claiming it's against the rule of the law, and if they're going to do that, they should crack down on the libraries too. They're using the law to mask the fact that it's just about the "unsavoury element" that it's being claimed is attracted to the area by the pantry.

Little Free Pantry update

The thing I'm the most curious about with this - is the city also going to use this to crack down on little free libraries?

Because according to this, they should be, right? "The bylaw, however, is cut and dry, Earnshaw said.

β€œThe law is the law,” he said.

β€œWe're in a democracy where the rule of law is paramount, and she should adhere to the law and to the methods that are available for her to challenge the law if she considers it to be inappropriate.”

  • and yet it seems like they're only trying to crack down on someone who is trying to help people in need of food...

I would recommend reading the full post...

Thanks! Guess I didn't go back far enough when I checked for it!

Video from University & Albert
Moderator removed post

Thanks!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

OP - unfortunately, I don't have that hat available anymore, or the patches. BUT I do have that design on shirts and on glassware currently. If either of those interest you, shirts are on and glassware is available at Gifted, or at any of my upcoming in person markets (shirts will be at markets too). I have a market this Saturday at Catalyst 137 from 10-3.

You can find other markets and pics of the stuff on my Instagram, here -

Everything else aside, I could be wrong but I don't think Trudeau is supported by anyone on the radical left. Or really maybe even anyone anywhere left of the middle. He's been a pretty big disappointment to the left for various reasons.

I was only talking about people who should be turning into the left lane are waiting so they can turn into the right lane - usually so they can enter the mall parking lot. Closing that entrance would fix some of the issues, and people can turn into the left, switch lanes, and get into the lot further up, which they should be doing right now and are not.

I'm not trying to rush you through a scary intersection, I'm saying those people are doing the wrong thing, and it's not very smart. If everyone drives smartly, safely, and cautiously we all get to our destinations intact and on time.

It kills me the amount of people who hold up traffic turning left off of Caroline onto Erb because they're incorrectly waiting to turn into the far lane.

The stock levels of everything at Curry's always feels to me like they're on the verge of going out of business. The odds that they'll have the screenprinting stuff I want when I pop in if I've run out of something are super low, sadly. I was so stoked when they came to town.

My first exposure setup was a 150 watt bulb with a literal pie plate as a reflector. It took an hour to expose, but it worked! Then I went to a 500 watt halogen, and then two of those together (with the glass removed so it's not blocking the UV). Now I have a better exposure unit, but those worked for me for years. Long story short, you can wrangle together a setup pretty easily!

I could also possibly expose screens for you for a fee if you're interested.

Also, I always recommend this book to people getting into printing - It's simple, clear, and informative.

Green Room is my favourite shop, but yeah, for that style I'd probably try Marlowe first.

Schmuck. They have the best fries, among other great things about them.