:downvote: Non-European Savage

Is it faster to name the countries not run by complete and utter imbeciles? Are there any? Bueller?

I don't think porn lies at all. I've never watched a porno that says that what I'm about to watch is realistic or true in any way. The fault lies with parents and lack of education.

Sounds like someone hates their own feelings

Did you know that typically women prefer to be the good looking one in the couple? I didn't until my wife told me. So I guess I'm ugly but she lets me touch her so I'm ok with it.

The 2000s were the last decade of truly great music.

I sincerely hope a wheel would last longer than mere days

Blades of Glory was such a movie

This actually is a symptom of ADHD called executive dysfunction

It sounds like you didn't read the article you posted.