Vegetables are actually less calorie dense than meat and often more protein dense per calorie (eg 100 calories of spinach has more protein than 100 calories of beef). Nearly 100% of people in high income countries get more than the recommended protein with all amino acids.

This is a reason some men see a urologist. There are medical and non-medical treatments if it’s affecting your quality of life!

Ur mom’s aging

The average reported duration of PIV is about 5 minutes.

That’s incorrect. This study looked at any cannabis use, a high percentage of which is in edible form (where this study took place). Edibles carry risk as well.

As an MD, I’ll make the apparently unpopular opinion that it’s not worth it.

Lol same. Sometimes I take 2.5mg and it feels equivalent to like 1-2 beers. It works for me :)

Thanks! Sounds really lovely. I’ll give it a try

What’s your meditation routine like? Interested to do more

What’s your mediation routine like?

Meh it’s alright... Maybe a B. If enough people make tier lists like this I’ll rank them in a tier list

Agreed - although since the representative species are literally on an arrow I understand the confusion.

Interesting. Most people I know just live here because they love it. I live here despite the salary being much lower than anywhere else for my field!

Serious question - is he like this in real life or is he acting like this to be in character?

What’s the vibe of this going to be? Techno with a hip hop twist? Not super familiar w them

Agreed. I think this just demonstrates how influential politics is on health.

That’s a great question. I’d love to know.

They recently upgraded right? This past month or two

Sort of. More like choose not to leave. A ton of Mormons just stay Mormon because leaving means excommunication from all their family and friends. It’s a horribly difficult life for a Mormon to leave.

Did you make this? Very interesting! Cool idea.

I’ve heard geographers explain how the current African country borders could never have evolved “naturally”. Like that they would only have existed from outside colonial forces making them, and as they currently are they’re very prone to war and poverty. One reason was based on port access (others being religious and ethnic overlap, eg why Sudan split). Maybe eventually through self-governance Africa will re-shape a bit in the direction of this map. Source: Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion.


I fit OP’s description also. But also never called myself bisexual. I’ve always thought to call yourself bi it assumes you participate in sexuality / dating etc. If I just have homoerotic thoughts occasionally and watch bi porn, that makes me part of the LGBT community?

And since sexuality is on a spectrum, wouldn’t that mean most people are LGBT?

Apologies for any ignorance - just here to learn.

By no means am I a nationalist, just surprised at the result given our over-involvement in world issues and huge cultural export (eg flag on everything).

Look forward to your Wednesday post :)