I would chug a bottle of 3 penis wine before touching a bottle of snake anything

Probably the greatest cold open to any episode of any show ever!

Vince Vaughn no question. And I love most Vince Vaughn movies

Thankskilling 3. On paper a great idea but lost everything that made the first one amazing

TVs don’t get much bigger than the ones at LexLive. Food isn’t too bad either. Good bar. Shamrocks (Patchen Dr) has plenty of sports bar sized TVs. Better food. Good bar

For sure on Mulholland Drive. Add on Ghost World, Citizen Kane, & Thankskilling 3. There’s a Mt. Rushmore

This screams of Spencer County.

Also home of the Hawk Tuah.

Donut World on Leestown is really good and really cheap. They will make you a breakfast sandwich if you’re in the mood for that too

Winchells for breakfast. Thoroughbreds for lunch. Dudley’s for dinner. Sit on their rooftop garden if you can get a table.

Gonna support those who are saying the KY Horse Park. It gives everyone a chance to stretch their lags, has great family interaction, & represents one of the special cultures of our area. Hope you will also give one of our locally owned restaurants a try. Enjoy your time here & wish you safe travels for you and your family

“There’s no cure for being a cunt” -Bronn of the black water

So many hate Mitch people out there. Yes he is to blame for the lifetime contract for Cal but at the time we were singing his praises. Under his time here we have become so much more of an elite program across the board. Football is 2nd tier and SEC competitive. Volleyball has a national championship and top 10 every year. Girls bball is hurting, but just hired a great coach. Baseball has improved and is currently top 10 nationally. Gymnastics & soccer are nationally ranked. Damn cheerleading hasn’t won their 25 title in a while. We can blame him for that too

All my life been po, but it really don’t matter no mo. And they wonder why they act this way, nappy boys gawn be ok

Not legal. I spent years in different higher end restaurants through college. If you have something nice in your collection you want to open, then do it in your home. This would be no different than bringing in your own steak or fish to a restaurant and telling them to cook it your way when they already have those item’s on the menu. If a business does allow you to bring something outside in, then be prepared to compensate then for the lack of sales they are losing and pay whatever corking fee they choose, regardless of how much you spent on a bottle

Take it from me, I love you

So the Blair Witch moved to Daytona.