No, that'd be terrible. Sure, you don't get a secondary. But now, that means Sniper can delete people from afar AND from up close. Imagine dying instantly to a sniper that might as well be in another country, then you leave spawn, flank him and he just kills you again anyway because your mere presence gives him a guaranteed crit. That ain't a subclass, that's an unkillable nightmare.

Now MAYBE if this is a primary item, then I guess I can see how that goes. Because then Sniper exchanges his idea to insta kill from far away to insta kill up close, leaving his only weapons being his 2 SMGs. But even then I find that questionable because it just obliterates the main concept of his class, which is long range assassination.

Nah, mate, Durance has MOST of the game's hardest lines. Not just this one. It's amazing just how often that Durance just speaks gold.

Good Lord I haven't even thought about that but you're right, Sniper could just get his ass to the front lines and farm crits.

Absolute cancer, awful

Yeah he did...but it wasn't the same. He was mostly in the background. I wanted him to have more active focus as an episode's main villain. I loved his gimmick of being EXTREMELY methodical, and his planning of 5 steps ahead often ensured that he had the advantage. And I was hyped when he got the time powers, wondering what they could do with it.

But he lost those powers in the same episode and was never seen again until justice league...

Honestly...the sniper rifle is completely useless. 99% of TF2 players never notice the sight laser anyway. So equip this and all you get are negatives.

Now that Heavy weapon though. I can get behind that, I love me some shotgun heavy so much. Combining that with the Family Business basically turns that weapon into an upgraded shotgun.

The Clock King.

It's downright CRIMINAL that he only got 2 episodes. We COULD have used some of the episodes for 1-off villains and give at least one or two for that guy, he was cool...

On pure concept alone, the Sleeper is my favorite.

You have this comet made of bizarre crystals that somehow look like they're melting, which occasionally sprouts tentacles, mysterious space meth goo and eyes, and you have the constant reminder of "This bizarre rock is the same as the Thing under the earth!"

It's just a really cool concept, I wish the DLC did more with the Sleeper itself.

Sniper doesn't need more tools that nulify his close range weakness. If you sneak up on a sniper, he should be screwed. Not only warning him, but giving him a guaranteed crit? I see this being really unfun to fight against.

Also I'd normally say that Spy doesn't need another thing to counter him, but considering half a damage of backstab would still kill the sniper....yeah.

The Acolytes of Heaven's Glass is probably the biggest cult, having existing portions in all of the Interconnected Worlds. They worship an Abyssal Sleeper and claim that his voice and his influence will usher people into paradise.

It doesn't usually end well for non-cultists

Knocking out The Emperor during the final battle should actually just knock him out and maybe he could appear during the end credits.

Look, basically I want SOME way to prove to his thick squid skull that he was wrong and that our plan could (and did) have worked. I don't even want a way for Orpheus and The Emperor to cooperate, I just want SOME way for you to shove some sense into his head.

I may be wrong, but to me, Susanoo feels like the biggest asspull yet.

Amaterasu? Sure, i guess...the Uchiha are already associated with fire, might as well...

Tsukuyomi? Maaaybe.....since the sharingan also gives the user a partial immunity to genjutsu since you can see through illusions easier...

But Susanoo? No, NOTHING in the sharigan's history and powers ever even implied that it could summon bloody STANDS. It copied hand signs, body movements and techniques. Nothing in the Uchiha clan, much less the sharingan's abilities allows the Susanoo to be a natural evolution of it. It was added cuz it was cool and that's it.

I don't like this attitude that the community is having.

You guys are acting like this is the big victory. When it's not. The only way that this will be a real victory is when Valve shows that they will keep banning bots.

Until we can confirm that Valve has changed it's attitude towards TF2, there is no victory. Otherwise Valve will go right back to the status quo and the "doomers" will laugh in you guys' faces.

Holy shit

I can't believe I'd actually live long enough to see Valve not only ban a lot of the bots, but actively address them directly. FixTF2 somehow doing something?

This is absolutely deleicious to see.

Scream, douchebags. Is it still worth it to bot the game? lol

Honestly, I think the only thing the classic needed is so that you can still RUN while charging. Make it a hitscan huntsman that doesn't have the benefit of the arrow's hitbox.

Honestly, I tried to use that mod manager before. But I ran into a problem unrelated to the mod manager. Something about not knowing the version or something.

I haven't been able to get through that issue, haha.

Honestly I don't care WHAT anyone says or thinks about Zesty, he's always been absolutely right about this whole situation.

I really don't understand what people sought to achieve with just peer pressure and friggin PETITIONS. Petitions have failed and done nothing for 90% of the cases and are laughably useless, and Valve has no reason to care whether 1, 10, 100 or even 1000000 people post videos about the bots.

Now I'm not entirely sure if Zesty's plan would have even worked. Because TF2 does have a problem with Whales. But let me tell you, his plan had WAY higher success rates than whatever collective insanity this movement has devolved into...

Mysta is the world with the largest population of dragons, as they're native to there. Their behaviors and characteristics depend on which dragon they are.

Graceful Gliders are mounting dragons with white fur. They're great fliers and are normally more relaxed.

Driller Dragons are wingless behemoths of animals that can grow bones on their arms and head and use them as drills. They're VERY temperamental and prone to outbursts.

Snow-Spotted Razorclaws have no wings. They're more serpentine in shape and inhabit colder areas. Usually they respond to authority, and are quite spoiled and defiant.

Sapphire Crystal Serpents are serpentine dragons with wings. Their horns and back spikes have a texture similar to gemstones and their scales are blue. They are quite energetic and tend to be good figherts and mounts.

Flaming Behemoths are shaped a lot like gorillas, small legs, large muscular arms, big tusks, protuberant chins. They can't breathe fire, but instead light their bodies on fire. They're very territorial and dangerous.

Small Metal-Head Hunting Dragons are, as the name implies, small, often resting on the arms of their tamers. They are very spoiled, and often demand treats if they are to cooperate with anyone else. Their names come from the metallic looking horns and spikes on their heads and cheeks.

I'm not sure i'll be able to help you unfortunately. After all the migraines and difficulties, I still failed to mod the games manually. I don't even have the game installed anymore, so I can't confirm where the files go.

If i recall correctly, there's a folder in drive C for Laurian Studios that has some important Baldur's Gate 3 files inside. modsettings.lxs is one of them. Editting that file is nothing short of a nightmare and it's easier to perform brain surgery than successfuly alter it.

I'm really sorry that I can't help you, mate. Wishing you the best.

It works fine for the USA alone, and has increasingly lower rates of success everywhere else.

That kinda looks like St. Michael....Unless there's another angel with a sword that i don't know of...

You gotta love how there are still people saying "just use" "just go to community servers", "uncletopia lol". Like they somehow think that's an actual solution? TF2 is a game beloved and played world wide, not everyone in the entire world is hosting community servers.

Like what do you do if you live in a country or region where the only community servers even remotely playable have 150+ of ping or host 24 hours of turbine?

In a perfect world, the solution would either be for valve to hire a team to be on the constant lookout for these bot accounts or invest in an actual anti-cheat that works, not having to endlessly rely on community servers...

I have your taste? But she's unbelievably inferior in every way to the original Livewire.

Exactly the same that happened to SaveTF2. It became a complete mess because nobody in this community has the guts to face reality. People are collectively going insane because they'd rather believe that drawing PORN of some random bot hoster douchebag's online persona is somehow going to accomplish something rather than just accepting that Valve will not do anything.

Genuinely, I am baffled as to how it got to this state. Or how people ever thought that whatever this nonsense is would ever accomplish anything aside from painting the TF2 community as a bunch of clowns.