Kratos in the first three God of War games. Love the games themselves, but Kratos felt like a classical era superhero sprung from the mind of an incel.

Was very pleasantly surprised when I blind bought the new ps4 god of war in a bargain binge amd found out both the story and especially Kratos himself were much better written.

Terrible decade. Didn't think so at the time but looking back now, yeesh. A lot of anger and a lot over sexualisation over everything. I like to complain about gen z a lot, but there's no denying the fact that their generation is a much kinder, gentler and inclusive one. Very glad the 90's are over.

You can't ask something like this without experiencing it yourself. Watch the movies or read the books THEN form your own opinion. Don't understand people today forming their opinion based on opinions other people have formed theirselves. Always thought Idiocracy was a underrated funny comedy. But it's looking more and more like a prophetic view of the future.

I know it is literally insane. Now put the timer for 22 minutes because that's the standing ovation Pan's Labyrinth got. I mean I love the movie too, but how you can stand there amongst a crowd clapping your hands for 22 minutes straight is just beyond my comprehension.


The commentary on Fight Club with writer Chuck Palahniuk and screenwriter Jim Uhls was always one of my favourites. David Cronenbergs tracks (especially on films he wrote himself like Existenz) are always very insightful too.

It's a very forgetable movie. But the ending is actually kinda cool and indeed a lot of nuclear bombs getting blasted all across the globe.

Unfortunately it is very hard for to laugh out loud, so personally never experienced this till the point of almost passing out.

But I do vividly remember seeing both There's Something About Mary and Borat in packed cinemas on opening weekend. Still two of the greatest experiences of my life. Not only did they actually manage to make me laugh out loud. But even better the entire theatre was so full of roaring laughter I literally saw multiple people fall out of their seats and roll over the floor from uncontrollable laughter.

Even though comedy isn't my favourite genre those theatre experiences beat any one of those from movies I personally liked better (Dune 2 being a recent example of something more up my alley). I sincerely hope to have one of those experiences again and would definitely urge anyone to seek out a comedy in a packed theatre.

Would like my body to be chopped up and fed to animals. But since that is illegal I guess one of those natural graves without a casket. Humans (ab)use so many natural resources I always thought it was insane we use non degrqdable caskets or cremation. We should be part of the circle of life just like every other organism on this planet.

Even though it is a courtroom movie mixed with a dash of Rosemary's Baby and Angel Heart, my favourite has always been the Devil's Advocate. It features three court cases, all of which are excellent in my opinion.

Though truth be told if I want to play devil's advocate here (sorry I love a horrible pun) I do know that many people actually hate this movie, so I guess it's a very hit or miss one.

Yeah I hated that movie because of it. Saw it again years later and was surprised how good it actually was (I even think it sticks the landing after the whole Pinbacker debacle has concluded). But it's still a pity that what could have been one of the best modern true sci fi films suddenly turns into a terrible friday the 13th knock off for half an hour. So jarring. Thankfully it was a good lesson for both Danny Boyle and Alex Garland which they put to good use in al their future endeavors. Because they started that movie without a third act at all and nobody hates that terrible Pinbacker part more than they do themselves. Just look up an interview with either of them about Sunshine.

The scene in the Dark Knight where Joker basically turns Harvey Dent into Twoface. Love the movie, but that scene has always made zero sense to me. The guy who literally just ruined his face and killed his girlfriend, can manipulate him so easily amd turn him on a killing spree. If anything he should kill the Joker.

I think Kate Pierson is one of the most underrated singers in pop history. She sounds great in every duet (shiny happy people being my personal favourite) always belts out giving her all. Yet hardly anyone knows her name. Most people still refer to her as the chick from the B-52's, if they even refer her at all.

And you would be so correct, where I was so wrong.

Thanks, will try that next time!

Come on guys. The thread here is called r/funny. Don't be so serious.

"I thought I had more time."

It's the sentence I use most often. Never noticed myself until my wife told me. I mean it every time I say it. Usually multiple times a day.

You're not wrong. Always loved Pandas. Was so excited when I finally got to see them in a zoo in Belgium. Even cuter when you see them for real. But also makes you realize why they would go exctinct in the wild if it wasn't for human effort. Don't get me wrong, very glad humanity takes the time and effort. But man are they lazy, dumb and illogical.

Didn't want to spoil for everyone, so SPOILER WARNING!!!

But yes that's what I meant. I know it's actually a plot point they show you in the end. But I caught a couple of them before that point in the movie and was actually creeped out a little.

I might have one of the weirdest ones.

When I cook spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, I always make the meatballs way earlier, fry them in the pan until they are caramelized, but not yet done. Then take them out and make a nice gravy with the fat left in the pan, a little bit of flour and beef stock. Then I put the meatballs back in the gravy and let them simmer on low fire (the longer the better).

When I finally do cook my pasta, i take it out of the boiking water when it's nicely a dente. Then I lose the water (after throwing a couple of spoons of pasta water in the tomato sauce) throw the pasta back into the pan and immediately throw in a couple of spoons of gravy. This makes the pasta taste really nice. I serve it like that on the table, pasta mixed with gravy, a pot of tomato sauce and meatballs in gravy. So anyone can make their compositon as they like.

Here comes the kicker. I started doing it this way because that's how I saw Ralphie do it on Soprano's and it looked and sounded great. Was very pleased fist time I did it like this. So Ralphie from the Sopranos informed how I make and serve my pasta. Except on a recent rewatch I found out that's not how he does it at all. As a matter of fact any true italian would shoot me for not mixing the pasta with the sauce within 30 seconds after you take the pasta from the boiling water.

So I came up with my own way of making and serving pasta because I was stupid enough to misremember something I saw during my first Sopranos binge. Sorry for the long story, but I've hardly ever felt more stupid upon this revelation after almost 20 years.

Lake Mungo has a couple of great ones. Very underrated horror movie anyway in my opinion.

Only thing I can think of is each and every one of them started using some of my wardrobe. Usually for reasons I'd never notice myself "that shirt has such a nice fabric for my skin" (I just bought it because it was an on sale Mick Jagger shirt). Never fails to amuse me when I look in my partners dresser and see what clothes she's confiscated from me.

And just as I was about to post this. Every woman I've dated had the same fast food routine too. After a night of drinking you end up in Mcdonalds/Burger King or whatever. "Honey do you want something?" "No thanks, I might just take a small bite of yours if that's okay?" Only for her to eat at least half your burger and pretty much all your fries and soda. Quickly learned to just make a double order for whatever I'm having! Haha. All that said though, I wouldn't want any of that to ever change. Things like these are the reason I love women so much :)

I don't think anyone has exploited Tommy Wiseau more than the guy exploited himself. Also mental issues or not the dude is a brilliant businessman who's made himself a lot of money through real estate and clothing. So I don't really think he should be pitied all that much.

Very underrated series as a whole. Like many here I thought Cigarette Burns was the best one. Loved Screwfly Solution too. But have to say I'm kind of surprised hardly anyone mentions Stuart Gordon's Dreams in the Witch House. Another solid Gordon Lovecraft adaptation like Dagon, From Beyond and Re-animator.