
Should have just cleaned the nozzles in an obnoxiously obvious way.

Yeah, it's the time, and the fact that if you do it in bulk, you still have to stabilise before bottling anyway.

I've used it a couple of times and it was a huge pita. Very time consuming, and I've found it prone to leaving weird sediment.

I didn't include it because it's not very beginner friendly or practical.


I was in camp "leave him alone, he's an adult" until you said he has full audio all the time.

That's straight up obnoxious and he needs to stop it.

If you want a sweet mead, your only options are:

A) Gradually add enough fermentable sugar that the yeast reach their tolerance.

B) chemical stabilisers: potassium sorbate and potassium metabisulfite (you'll need both)

If you're going the chemical route, you'll need to wait until your mead as gone completely dry, as the chemicals will not stop active fermentation, they'll only prevent a restart once it's done.

Cold crashing will not stop or prevent fermentation, it'll only stress your yeast and create a potential bottle bomb situation.

Best advice I can give: read the entire wiki in the sidebar before your next batch.

"we're also working night shifts"

The "also" implies facts outside of the record

Don't worry, it'll spend it's life in the driveway or on the back of a flatbed.

When it comes to nosey money grubbers, you're best off keeping things vague and unexciting, or they'll smell opportunity and start being dicks.

Make a braggot in the 6-8% region, it'll be drinkable in weeks rather than months.

There should be a couple of braggot recipes in the wiki.

Everything will be rough straight out of the gate.

Generally though, lower alcohol content=less ageing required.

What doesn't improve a fender bender like an unrestrained pit bull in a state of frenzies panic?

Dirty bed voids the warranty

You're fine.

Probably wouldn't want to let mead sit in primary for a year, but January to May? Not a problem.

For most meads, aging hits a state of diminishing returns after a year or two.

A mead over 12% alcohol should be fine to keep for that long, providing the storage conditions are stable.

If it's your first ever mead though, it'll probably be so-so, even with aging. You've got to learn through experience before you can make something truly great.

As for the legality, that depends entirely on your national and local laws.


Struggling to find the part where your this relationship is any of your business.

I personally go with a travelling hairdresser.

Most mens barbers have no idea how to handle long hair, and I personally find a hair salon to be a very unfriendly place as a man, so a hairdresser that comes to me is the only solution.

This is beyond weaponised incompetence, this is straight up regression to childhood.

I can't take half an hour to unclog the toilet because I need to spend three days doing Minecraft paper craft!


Plumbing appears functional

No smashed tiles

No graffiti

No creepy dude in the corner spouting misogynistic rhymes

No teens in tracksuits slinging coke

Fucking luxury lad