His saga with tax from Junior showed how ridiciously favoured he was by Tony. Not only Tony dropped the tax from 500k to 250k (well he wanted 300k, Hesh negotiated the last 50k) but he also got Tony's share so he only really paid 200k. Not to mention that Junior didn't take the money for himself but gave to his captains.

4 adoptions and a wedding

"My big fat greek games" thrown by the producers of "races held in Capua" and "triumph in the name of Scipio Africanus"

true, mamy pod dostatkiem polskiego chamstwa, z którym nie zawsze sobie radzimy żeby jeszcze tolerować jego import

TBF some of the sebix would probably give the cameraman a high five

Tony was on therapy and was a boss for some time. He shoud have know when to show restraint and foresee some negative consequences of his impulsive behaviours

The correct answer is:

If you're playing as anyone but Gaul - ALWAYS recruit Cretan Archers

If you're playing as anyone but Greece - ALWAYS recruit Hoplites

all the more reason for restraint, after few years on the throne Tony should have known better

In this House (of Sopranii) General Douche is a hero, END OF STORY!

He wanted to build a franchise that would outshine the Bulls itself. Phil Jackson got him clapped in irons

:Germany: Germany

Man Utd fans must be over the moon that their team sacked Rangnick

Przejawianie nostalgii do lat 90' na blokowiskach mogę skwitować wyłącznie przez soczyste "xD". Chuligaństwo, subkultury, przestępczość, kibole, narkotyki. Do tego policja i inne służby w rozkładzie, brak monitoringu = recepta na totalną bezkarność chuliganów.

Git gud.

Thucydides (probably)

On vanilla RTW the more numbers a unit have the higher public order boost it gives so no unit type can match peasants as they are cheapest and have largest number of soldiers at the same time. On RTW:BI the mechanic is a bit different but a forgot the specifics.

Are you surprised? She was preborn, f*ckin Spice-Girl