Involuntary holds are typically limited to 72 hours in the US, because they are considered a human rights and constitutional rights violation if no crime has been committed, but that doesn’t matter, because US laws mean nothing elsewhere. Nothing.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will” is the full quote, and it’s Thelema, not Luciferianism.

You should travel more. When people from other countries are dragging America, it’s not the Dems they are talking about. Been all over the world, and it’s always Trump and his followers.

Let’s recap. This you?

“This argument is hypocritical at best. Cameras replaced painters.”

That didn’t happen.

Oh, I agree it’s all rubbish. It’s just a repeated reworking of the same mythology with local flavor added. Isaiah was translated from Greek to Latin, that does not mean it was not translated into Greek prior.

No. I’m not. Painters and cameras do completely different things.

Edit: I was a photography major in college, with multiple semesters of art history required. I’ve got some education here. Perhaps one could even say it’s one of my areas of expertise. A camera isn’t gonna just shit out a Hieronymous Bosch, nor will photoshop. That idea had to come from someone’s mind. All that renaissance figurative art is the sears portrait studio of painting. It’s not the only reason paint exists.

The tumblr source is whatever, but here’s the page of the “This was totally written in the 16th century by the mysterious ‘Alibeck the Egyptian’ and not some low level Catholic monk intern in the 18th century, promise! Let’s go burn some witches based on this, guys!” Grimorium Verum

In the original Greek, the word used in Isaiah 14:12 is ὁ ἑωσφόρος ὁ πρωὶ, which means “morning star”. The Romans changed it to “Lucifer” when translating from Greek to Latin during the creation of the Vulgate. The symbol originated in the 18th century and is nonsensical bullshit made up by the Catholic Church.

No, that’s Lucifer, although deistic Satanists call it the sigil of Satan, as they conflate the two. It’s also completely made up as part a fraudulent grimoire called the Grimorium Varum created by the Catholic Church in the mid 18th century that claimed it was from 16th century Egypt. It’s just some spooky lines. Rome made up the name Lucifer, too.

Those effects look like ass. And it won’t come up with the idea of putting beans in every painting, like Dali did. Photoshop is just a tool, like a brush or a pen. It only creates what you make it create. It doesn’t have creative ideas on its own. And photoshop is not a camera. Now you’re just moving goalposts.

It’s made up scare tactics. “Satanism”, all the associated symbolism, etc was nearly entirely the invention of a carnie organ player in the 1960s, who was an atheist, and was very clear on that point. The vast majority of Satanists don’t believe that Satan is real. Deistic Satanists do exist, but they refer to themselves as Luciferians, and they are an even more recent development. “Satan” is a title meaning “adversary” and refers to about 5 different entities in the Bible. Rome made up the name “Lucifer”, meaning “light bringer” cause “morning star” made it a little too obvious that the whole fall of the prettiest angel story was just a reworking of the mythology surrounding the planet Venus, aka the “morning star” and its path on the horizon. Goddess of love/prettiest angel, potato/potato.

Sure, there’s been unhinged random assholes that listened to too much Slayer or whatever and went out and hurt someone, but compared to the number of child SA convictions of Christians, especially if you lump in the Catholic clergy, and the misdirection becomes obvious. Plus, you know, uncountable historical atrocities.

It’s funny how all the early books describing alleged “deal with the devil” like the Malleus Maleficarum were written by priests to justify things like the inquisition and witch trials.

Satanism these days is almost entirely political, and it scares the right, because under the establishment clause it gives them constitutionally recognized competition.

Do they? Can a camera create a Dali, Seurat, Rothko, or Lichtenstein? No, it can’t.

Painters can paint things that don’t exist. Cameras can’t, not without artistic manipulation. When a painter creates a portrait, they paint their vision of you, a camera just copies what it sees.

Why do think that abstract and modern art movements kicked off?

Painters paint concepts, cameras take pictures.

Selena was a massively successful movie (first time a Latina actress earned over $1 million for a movie role), she had a bunch of top 10 hit songs, she performed at the Super Bowl, etc, etc.

Absolutely not true. Spotify advertising doesn’t work like traditional terrestrial radio. Similar to advertising online via Google, etc, Spotify charges for ads on a cost per impression (user hears the ad or sees it in the app) basis. Part of an advertiser’s budget is burnt every time a user is served an ad. If the user didn’t convert, meaning they don’t do whatever the ad is advertising, the advertiser sees less return on investment. If the conversion rate gets low enough, the advertiser will move their spend to another platform where they are seeing better performance.

So, it is hugely important for Spotify to catch and squash bot plays to keep advertisers happy.

Exactly. I was making the point that the relative percentage of 65+ residents is not that much bigger by showing the math.

Oooh, “some”, is not an accurate representation of the hundreds of people I see every time I leave my place. You gonna tell me based on “some” that you know what most people are doing where I have lived for the last decade?

I live in CA, and the only people I typically see wearing masks are elderly or Asian (wearing a mask was common in Asian cultures before covid, so that doesn’t mean much), and are usually both. Been to sold out concerts, packed bars, on public transit, etc. what you’re saying is pretty much entirely incorrect.

Here, lemme do that for you. It’s a 4% difference, and California has nearly twice as many total residents. 20% of Florida is over 65, as opposed to 16% in California.

CA population: ~39.5 million FL population: ~21.5 million

CA over 65: ~6.3 million FL over 65: ~4.5 million

Cannabis was outlawed for racially motivated reasons, even the word “marijuana/marihuana” was used because it evoked anti-Mexican fear in legislators to help get prohibition laws passed.

No, they didn’t. In 2021, their per capita death rate was higher than CA. 111.7 per 10k residents vs 99.9 in CA.

“But CDC numbers are wrong” but Florida wouldn’t misreport, right? Florida also has about half the population of CA.

Not “intend to shoot” it’s “do not point at anything you are not willing to kill”. You’re not hitting someone in a moving car. Stop with the fantasies.