Can across this that seems to help convert iOS app to Android. Not sure if it applies haha.

What I like about VR is the immersion. Being in Horizon world, or driving a super car you cannot afford. Lol

How did you make this image? Looks fun with pro clubs

I think i remember once before there was no plans for android version. Is that still the case?

I record clips with friends talking. The current way of discord chats on ps5 does record chat audio. Is this still the case?

Maybe it could be the same for console, but EA being EA it may not. Lol. By chance any of the current playstyles chipshot? Wondering if that bug where playstyle+ always chipshot was removed on current save.

Usually these updates are meant for new saves. Your youth player you got after the update? I'm on console, are you as well?

Nice... only wished these updates would apply to already made saves

If anyone can remind me if they fixed the playstyle but where you only get chipshot+?

I wonder if the 100% local bridges will also bring back SMS bridge? Would love that back instead of the current Google messages bridge.

Does hosting your own bridge help with the instagram reels to send actual videos instead of low quality images with links to the videos?

Just reading this now. What is the best way to test speeds when checking connections? Just from the test download option?

You cannot delete messages. The archive feature I used to hide messages I cannot delete is also not available.

To make I understand properly if I train player A, then I can release player B and have player A still with playstyle?

How do you see this cutscene in game? On FC 24 and do not remember a transfer like this.

This is a different direction for Shazam soft reboot in the DCU.

I have not played the demo, but want the the bonus that comes from the demo. Can I just make a save from the demo and get the bonus without besting the demo? Currently replaying part 1 and rather not beat the demo. Lol

Hey... my best buy preorder has finally getting shipped and saying tomorrow arrival. Maybe you can check yours now.

I was thinking of taking tomorrow and Friday off too, but decided to wait in case of deIivery delays. And I'm still replaying part 1 and only 2/3 completed. So I will book a Monday off in like 2 weeks :( and play full day. Lol

Anyone in Canada that ordered the deluxe edition from best buy get an update? They charged my card few days ago and still showing "in progress".

Ahh. Good to know. With the post title, I thought later shipments like Q3 or later would have new patches added.

Anyone knows how many Q shipments there will be? Hoping to wait a bit more to have more patches on the disc.