Should have gone to Wendy's, they promised their surge pricing was to offer deals not increase costs! /s

Counted 5 uncalled slashes on the play, but Hyman moving out of the way of someone on the powerplay is interference.

If refs want game management: wait for a real penalty later and call it instead of ignoring it 

I don't think he is heartless but he definitely isn't attached to players the way Woodcroft was since he didn't coach then in Bakersfield.


Nurse special, no pressure icing. Like when he waits behind the net for a line change, then rips an icing.

Everyone is commending cherry picking but always condemns cheating for offence how are these not the same thing? How is Dallas not being punished for flying the zone?

4th goal reminds me so much of the EDM vs LA Round 1 Game 2 from 2023. Vilardi fakes Skinner out and just sneaks it under his skate.

In his post game interview he says he'd learn from it and not let it happen again...

Reminds me so much of the EDM vs LA Round 1 Game 2 from 2023. Vilardi fakes him out and just sneaks it under his skate.

In his post game interview he says he'd learn from it and not let it happen again...

This is a post game thread, not a post series thread. You can be mad when your team plays like shit. Game 1 was the same thing. Sat back didn't play lost the game. Game 2 and 4 the effort was there and we won. Game three the effort was there and we lost; in that game thread I'm sure people were upset with Skinner not the team. This game the goalie was good and the team was shit

It's the effort. It was abysmal tonight. They are losers tonight they literally lost the game.

Pivotal game, take the lead then have zero intensity. Didn't learn from game one, didn't learn from last year. Fucking pathetic effort. Not a single person with any push back. Not even enough effort to realize the other team isn't lazing into OT and lose with 30 seconds left. Probably not going to show up to the next game either feeling sorry for themselves. 


All this bullshit about learning from playoff experience, and cup or bust. Get out worked and out played by a team with COVID bubble experience. Gave up and can't even play the last 30 seconds of the game what a joke

This is the time for Knoblauch to drop his chill and go off on the team to get them to play

The two things can both be true. That was a weak goal when isolated.

One was 27 seconds, one was 1:13 coming out of the box 


2 power plays were not full power plays, only 3 full. A note they made about Vancouver's last powerplay but wanted to make us sound worse at 0/5