The fact that people have been asking 'tanks to wipe when the party is half dead' and have been occurring more often tells me the healer strike thing isn't as nonsensical as people think it is.

Sure, the healer role can use some work, but if more people feel like tank can just survive so long without them and watch them beat the boss while they're on the dirt in new content, perhaps it really does say something about role design.

It breaks flow, so I'd be against it. I rather fuck up a weave than have every weave feel abysmally slower when Serpent's Ire isn't up during Dreadwinder combo.

I play Viper for the high APM feel. If I wanted to play a bursty APM job I'd play ninja. If I didn't want to weave constantly, I'd play MNK.

It makes me 100% sure that the problem isn't the feedback. It's just SE doing whatever they want.

Explains how healers have been rotting for 2 expansions and AST only finally now is getting changes to lightspeed even though this was asked half a decade ago.

From what I've been hearing, this complaint originated in JP.


I wouldn't know. I'm still going through the DT msq. I thought they changed the formula entirely and cut off a trial. Though it still strikes me odd there's only 2.

It's JP. They also wanted DoT juggling from Sage to be removed even though juggling a DoT is at most 40 potency extra, and only if you get the last tick. It's basically nonexistent optimization, and that still got removed.

When you put that into perspective, everything makes sense.

We are at the point where tanks can literally sustain the entire mob dungeons alone with good dps without a healer.

If you have a healer in addition to everything else who's busting out all sorts of heals, then dps is sorely lacking. As in significantly bad to the point they are detrimental.

So basically nothing changes as long as you played before EW, and to a lesser extent ShB except your toolkit got simpler is all if you're playing a healer.

There's also people who are playing terribly to showcase that healers are needed to downplay the healer strike from what I've been seeing on discord ... which is a weird take since it's griefing in its own way and doesn't actually prove anything other than people have terrible personalities and like to waste other people's time.

How are we getting this fantasia again?

HG favoritism on either modules so every character that someone likes gets a proper power up (rip brawlers/frostleaf/etc.).

AH team powercreeps all the other units in the game and it's sometimes making me not want to play Arknights because of how incredibly unbalanced the design is becoming.

points to strike That thing doesn't get traction for no reason after all.

Healers forever starving for something.

PVP jobs are better iterations of class fantasy of PvE ones simply because they're not molded into a 2 minute meta and each feel surprisingly different from the other jobs. That being said, PvE jobs has its ups and downs.

Picto looks great. Feels like a proper caster that casts but has a bunch of instant skills. No complaints. The job feels rewarding and packs a punch.

Viper has some nice animations and apm/depth but overall plays very simply once you understand it. The good thing about it is the pose imo... the aesthetic is really vibing with me. Helps that they also stand up straight (and I dislike the hunch on Hrothgar so they actually look really good here?!?!?)

Sage took Ls (Eukrasian dykrasia not stacking DoTs as a change for "more damage variation" lol...) Philsophia is indisputably a weak skill for a 180s cd. Not comparable to SCH's Seraphism and soteria didn't recieve compatibility buffs to Eudaimonia to make it competitive. Also SCH recitation getting buffed now makes SCH just that much stronger over Sage as soteria is not an actual competitive skill to recitation.

White mage took Ls (one use divine caress 10s shield while everyone else gets 30s for shield duration)

AST's cards are... well its good and bad. Buffs stack which is nice, but there's a lot of redundancy now that the RNG is removed but toolkit hasn't been adjusted. Exaltation is basically a better bole that also heals (and on a significantly lower cd). Celestial intersection is a better spire, etc.

GNB dash feels clunky because the previous dash felt fast with the initial hit and faster responsively. The current one feels like a downgrade but probably better for players who don't want to weave their mobility into a burst window. They got buffed to feel like the dps tank though, so that's good.

BLM... There's a new meme for BLM's new rotation. It's despair -> transpose -> picto. Probably need a bit of buffs. Nonstandard being removed hurts gameplay a lot before 76 when you get umbral soul.

WAR got nerfed but holy shit is it healing well.

DRK is winning.

RDM's jolt III does more damage than verfire and verflare in endwalker. One of those moments where you pause and wonder what the heck the balance team is doing with skill designs.

SE: We realized we have been simplifying the game too much.

Also SE: Continues further simplification.

SCH Bane is still there, just in PvP and renamed as Deployment tactics.

PvP iteration of healers are really their better designed counterparts. PVE healer is suffering.

Just the usual healer attention. It's nothing new. The ignored feedback that eventually led to the healer strike doesn't come out of thin air after all.

FFXIV if you were Mr. Emet in that one ShB cutscene

Your RTX is supporting the healer strike. Or you just got sabotaged by GPU Raid boss.

That implies there's actually healers wanting to spend time locked in prog with other people to have a fun experience. If anything, PF healer shortage shows exactly anything but that.

Tough healer fights? High level fights are really just mechanical execution imo, not really tough on the healing. I think Harrowing Hell was the only point where I really had to heal hard and everything else was mostly a mitigation check on other roles.

Though this isn't the place to be having an actual discussion with problems on the shitpost sub.

But is there particle effects from attacks/spells affecting grass?

She doesn't disarm, she just frighten her target?
