It Follows. Scared to look around and scared to not look around. Glad I watched it after I got married.

Trash trios players crushing solos?Discussion

Relatively speaking, that is. I’m hot garbage in the ranked/trios realm. If I’ve done my math right, solos stats are ~5x that of trios. Which really just means I’m regular bad in solos as opposed to how shockingly awful I am in trios.

Who else? Offer some explanation.

Rampart :rampart:

tldr - Some funny but bad sex ed just before getting destroyed in our first fight.

Played with a couple of guys who as far as I could tell were not a duo. One of them was maybe 16, +/-. The other was somewhat older.

Not sure how the convo started, but by the time I tuned in, young guy was saying that he heard that women can’t reach orgasm during penetrative sex, and that orgasm required clitoral stimulation. Not in those exact words, but this was the gist of his claim.

Older guy, in an aggressive but very friendly tone, proceeded to rattle off a list of sex “facts”, that ranged from true enough to wildly inaccurate to just insane nonsense.

I finally spoke up and said that much of what had been said was maybe not quite right and that not all women get off in the same way but the Fuse is literally 1 and can we push?

We all had a good chuckle and got slaughtered by the Fuse’s team. And the young guy was very disappointed that the conversation could not continue.

The Matrix. Best theater experience ever.

Any marksman or sniper with any lmg, havoc, hemlock, volt, or any shotgun.

The time machine from The Time Machine.

Ranked | US east | old | chill | .35 kdr | G3Xbox :Xbox:

Old, trash Rampart main looking for likeminded folks to bounce around the ranked maps with. Currently Gold III, I believe.

I’ve never used a mic and I always mute my teammates, but I’m looking to switch it up and see how it goes with voice comms. Will probably ramble a bunch of useless nonsense because I’m not used to talking while I play. And operating both of those joysticks at the same time takes up most of my mental energy.

Happy to follow your preferred play style, anywhere from ape to rat. I’m totally ok with friendly trash talk and banter, but you’ll need to be able to laugh off the losses. I promise I’m not throwing on purpose; it just seems like it. And your constructive criticism is not going to hurt my feelings.

Usually available evenings into early morning hours during the week. Sometimes during the day. Some weekends.

Rampart :rampart:

Got to gold I pretty quickly, then started getting absolutely rolled. I’m trash, and I typically cap out at gold III-I. So, feels pretty normal. (But you’re looking at an S17 master here, so shut up when you’re talking to me).

But honestly don’t have many complaints about the randoms. They tend to ping, stick together, and hang around for a bit after they die to give us chance to recall them from the void. Mechanics and game sense are usually bad (I think; what do I know) but hey, that’s why we are in gold. Too many over extend and go down quickly, but I’ll take that over someone crawling around in the bushes when the fireworks start. Or a fully kitted loot goblin with their head in a bin searching for a purple stock.

Maybe bullet the two main points in the description. Just to make the relevant info pop a bit.

Also, if cards have a lot of variable constraints on how many times they can be played or how/when action can be taken, maybe consider some icons to accompany the text.

Main reason I play the game, honestly. So damn satisfying.

Rampart :rampart:

Thousands of kills with rampart and still no idea what happened there

Rampart :rampart:

When dropping and sharing a POI with another team, one teammate will sometimes drop in the other team’s section of the POI while our other teammate and I drop in the section of the POI the jump-master pinged. They then go down immediately for obvious reasons.

I assume everyone can see the red arrows indicating the other team’s location as we drop.

Masters of the Universe needs a remake. The Time Machine did not need a remake.

I play controller on pc. I only use keyboard while driving. But even that isn’t necessary; I just prefer it. Inventory management is fine.

FOG FamilyOfGamers | Cherno Vanilla

I’ve had a great experience playing here as a newb. Helpful folks on discord, helpful admins. It’s PVP with no rules governing gameplay but relatively low pop. My first dozen or so deaths were from zombies and the environment, and each was a good lesson. Eased into actively looking for PVP after I learned the basics.

Try not opening the fridge. Then try not cracking every wall picture looking for safes. Then stop ratcheting a car before it’s done. Then skip entire rooms on your way to the main cache. It gets easier.

Kid’s about to sell me a pack of Red Apples.