It depends on ppl honestly.

Personally I simply try to perfect my own teams and then move on to new ones slowly but if you are asking me it doesn't really matter how you play a game as long as it doesn't impact you or someone else irl.

Just do you.

Honestly the invisibility ability is fun once you realise you have to play QUITE differently than normal.

I used it a few times yesterday simply for the fun of it and I tried to play like a lil trickster or by simply making diversions with it and it was insanely enjoyable although I usually play more team friendly skills like heal or wallhack/ wall etc.

Just embrace your inner Shaco and let there be mayhem.

She ain't gonna be a boss slayer but she will be good probably in boss fights with adds like Argenti/ Deer/ Phantilia and maybe Cocolia but to a lesser extend.

However I'm pretty sure the person they were talking about actually meant Seele instead of Jade cause Seele is getting close to her next rerun (nothing concrete since its her second rerun) while Jade is having her release instead of a rerun.

From one side you could simply pick who you like more since they are both strong imo.

From the other side Clorinde will introduce a few new teams to your acc cause of the bol mechanics they are trying to push for and although we still don't know if it's gonna be a good or bad change atleast its gonna be something new.

Honestly it feels like homa is gonna be good just cause it's homa but I doubt that's gonna be better than pjws on her.

Tho at the same time she is gonna be oversaturated with dmg% so I dunno. Just use whatever works better with her gear.

Itto the only harbinger to be able to change his number from 10th to 0th if he unleashes his true powers.

Itto the true and Oni harbinger.

Its ok someone else already sent it to me. Thanks anyway.

I'm pretty sure this was what I was looking for love ya for it.

Nothing's concrete but its the most likely scenario from what we know yes.

Anyone got a site that shows how many primos we can get from clearing every region?

I know we used to have a google doc but I can't seem to find it either.

It does take bit of getting used to.

I don't usually play from my phone but every time I start doing it again i becomes hard to either aim or move (or both depending on the unit).

The best would probably be Bennet/ Fructose/ Xq.

I would also try Fructose/ Baedou/ Fischl or Ei and if you get Cheuv swap Fructose for her.

Trying to count my jades feels like I'm counting the loose change I got while counting my passes feels like counting the paper bills so I'm either getting rid of the jades right away like I'm getting rid of loose change or convert them to passes and hoard them like I'm stacking benjamins.

Genshin's anime is looking at us right next from genshin's switch version.

I'm using Xl to burn Baezhu's dendro application although it still ain't perfect with Furina I do see plenty vapes with Neuvi.

My team is basically Neuvi/ Furina/ Dehya/ Baezhu and I'm considering swapping Dehya with Xl if I get Neuvi's c1.

Its not about turning her into a facetank and more about making it less punishing to get hit once or twice.

Considering she can only selfheal, you are gonna want to avoid getting hit without a shield up or even with a shield depending on what you are about to get hit with.

Imo it's not his best necessarily but its stronk. Mostly cause although his c1 ain't perfect it basically maxes his poise ress with Baizhu.

If I do end up getting it I will simply put Xl over Dehya just so I can vape more of his hits.

As for healers tho I prefer Baizhu over any other option. I would have loved to use Jean over Baizhu but she ain't as flexible as him considering you are forced to play within her ult.

Well you are on a 75/25 and you are gonna lose it anyway so might as well go for it incase you get lucky.

Wishing you an early Stonethresher.

Without counting the rest of the primos you will get during 2.1 you will have around 160 passes.
That's barely more than enough to guarantee one unit (granted you don't go higher than 80+ on pity both times).

Basically all you have to do is win both of your pities and call it a day after you get both of your units...
That's it. Win pity, get unit. Simple right?

At best you might have around 3 pities worth of jades by the end of 2.1's first half so make it count I guess.

160+ spd, anywhere from 150 210 cd without her sig lc. 2p hackerspace and the rest might as well be random (otherwise might as well use 2p disciple/ knight/ guard aside from 2p hackerspace).

For planar you can go bk/ penacony/ ageless/ vonwaqc.

For main stats go cd/ spd/ hp, def or otherwise flex/ err.

Get your main stats and wait it out. Its not like you are gonna get them built right away now so might as well wait so you can get the most out of it.

I use Sparkle Bronya along with either Luo and Jl for su or with Dhil and Ty for pf.

Now if you want to use Sparkle and Bronya in the same team I guess you could depending on the content you use it on but expect to run out of sp considering you use Seele.

Blade or Jl are probably better for this team.

Think if them like they are just two sides of the same coin.
Ousia means matter and pneuma means spirit.
They simply represent the two sides of Furina.
Her human self and her Archon self.
They are just there for gameplay purposes and to show her connection with the fontainian "people".

I don't think its gonna matter all that much at that level but honestly I would rather use the second build which I guess uses an atk% orb?

Tbw, atk orb is a tiny bit better than img orb on average cause Dhil lacks atk% but has a buttload of dmg% on his kit.