
Love their steak Banh Mi.

NYI - NHL :61908:

That makes the weird overpay signings that seem to leak early make sense. The bidding war has been happening for weeks at that point and it just feels like an overpay out of nowhere.

:backdipi: Existence is pain

Not enough skill to bump a top six winger, not physical enough to bump a bottom 6 winger, sucks.

:backdipi: Existence is pain

Do we lose his rights?

NYI - NHL :61908:

We'll pay you $4.75m for work now but we're going to hang onto it for 6 months (or as permitted by IRS Tax Code 409a) and add interest to it as required by law.

The rate is actually the LIBOR 12 month +1.25 percent as of the signing of the contract, not sure what the payout schedule is but I assume annual.

So, lets actually assume the total dollar value(in todays cash) is 5M

Vegas only gets hit with $4.75m against the cap

Based on current rates napkin math, the cap hit would be ~232K+ 4.75M, or around 4.982M

they're still writing a check for $5m.

4.75 this year and 250k(232k+7.5% interest) next year.

Unless a significant amount is deferred, savings are minimal.

Now if 4 million of that was deferred 1 year, the Cap savings would be ~280k.

Other stupid math(accuracy not guaranteed)

An 11 million one year contract with 10 million of it deferred over the 10 years following the contract end would only count 6.15 million against the cap.

Edit: a player wouldn't want that 11 mill deal because at that 7.5 rate the money would double, they would have over 22 million in today's money vs 11 million in 11 years.

NYI - NHL :61908:


My quick take, cap hit is calculated by dollars at today's value. If money is deferred, only the present day cash the team puts aside counts again the cap, not the interest. This gets you a Bonilla situation, if the team thinks they can beat the interest rate, it makes sense from a cash and cap point of view(unless you Madoff'd). A player may want it for stability of payments and it is buyout protected(because it's a bonus). If the player feels interest rates are about to plummet, it can work to their advantage as well. They may not want it if the interest rate is low, as the market would perform better.

Tl;dr the team takes out a CD for the player and only the principle counts on the cap.

NYI - NHL :61908:

They signed up for that knowing they could be deployed anywhere, Trouba signed an M-NTC so he could control his fate.

Also, other people having a shit situation doesn't mean people shouldn't try to avoid it if they want and are entitled to.


1) if your VPN supports it, use Pre-logon so you can disable cached credentials

2) Complicated series of scripts that log off after a certain time and then also check time and logoff at user login, all orchestrated with task scheduler.

3) make the laptops work as dumb terminals and have the users remote into a computer in your network.

NYI - NHL :61908:

He would only not report and be suspended for a year,(when his family is able to move) so he would only lose 6 million.

Honestly based on OP saying turning lights on/off messed with them, they have a power/grounding issue at the site that these nics are more sensitive to.

NYI - NHL :61908:

Right, but he has the option of getting 8 million and not putting up with it at all.

NYI - NHL :61908:

Ok, but other people having worse problems doesn't negate their problems.

Also, he is exercising rights he negotiated for and the Rangers agreed to. What's the issue with that?

NYI - NHL :61908:

I mean it sounds like she delayed starting residency because of the pandemic, pretty hard to plan for that.

NYI - NHL :61908:

Yeah, there would have to be an open PGY3 spot for her program type.

So assuming she is in Internal Medicine, there are no vacancies country wide, and only 30 people willing to swap.

:backdipi: Existence is pain

Mmm yes gross

NYI - NHL :61908:

And she works a job that often has her working 14 hours a day 6 days a week. Him living in another city means they will be practically no-contact.