Toronto Blue Jays

Had an old man do this to us in Seattle years ago; baffling.

Trump: one phone call and I can fix baseball.

Aren't these worth a shitload?! Great memories

Also died at the end, way to go!

Made it to Sisters of Battle a couple days ago. It's wild. Also PV

They are absolutely desperate for stars, here's one in their lap and you send the kid out. Fire your marketing team.

Grade 3 I began braiding the girl's hair in front of me (with consent) and then copied the "bad kids" and started burping in class. All from boredom/nd

112d Hollow Knight for the first time this week. The late game is pretty wild. And there's still a shit load to do somehow, ha.

The knight is asexual and A is in there. 😁

I had nightmares for a decade about my uni experience (of failing). I was a giant overachiever in high school and felt the need to rebel against that in uni. Didn't turn 18 until 2nd semester and I went a little bananas on beer and weed, then started skipping early classes...then classes I knew I could pass without going. Grades really slipped, such that I didn't get another scholarship, however I didn't fail anything. Just a regrettable effort, christ I barely cared what classes I registered for. Wasn't good. I remember missing an assignment that was worth 10% of the grade; was a bit of a wake up call moment.