It's old common-law stuff. You used to pay the tax collector directly, then they got to keep a percentage and pay the rest to the local authorities. It was a fiercely fought-for position (sometimes physically, assassinations weren't uncommon), and tax collectors were known for assessing special extra fees that they would also pocket. It's why in the Bible people wer surprised Jesus would go eat at a tax collector's house because they were seen as generally awful people no matter how personally honest they might try to be.

He's using a earth-flattening machine (an earth compactor), pretty normal in construction. The guy is accusing him of being a flat-earther, i.e. someone who believes the world is flat rather than a guy who flattens earth for construction. But at the end we find out he actually wants the whole Earth to be flat and it trying to get there which is a third level of "flat Earth" which is probably unexpected to the reader, thus humorous.

There's an arcane that gives secondaries a chance for 100% ammo efficiency on headshots. Arcane Pistoleer.

Ding dong ditching is as ancient of a prank as the door itself...

It gets discussed, but it tends to quickly break down into accusations of attention-seeking, "thanks, I'm cured"-esque platitudes, and so on. In other words, just like any other Reddit discussion.


Archlector of the Meaty Tribe.

No Molten Strike nerf?

"This is a buff."

It's the hypoxia in Denver, no one's got the energy to fight.

Real Algebraic


Romans called them the mob, but the Greeks called them the demos. Thus, democracy.

Kid's already a skilled negotiator. Always present three options: the one you want, a compromise one you could live with, and a terrible one

My friends were talking book series adaptations and it got me thinking, why has no one adapted Jack Chalker's Well World books. Then the blank looks from my friend group explained why.

Equivalent to 250g of water. Ice cream is less dense than water (hence the popular 'ice cream float').

Well, she's a guy, so...

One use I had for Testor's was I painted some obsidian weapons for my Lizardmen with gloss black Testors. Super shiny, looked nice. They are too heavy for minis though, and they break if you thin them.

Guns don't kill people, nuh-uh
I kill people, with guns

To add a bit: Sequins are made from a big roll of metallized plastic. The plastic is put in a machine with a roller that has all the little hexagons on it, which punches out the sequins from the plastic roll (and punches the hole in them). But it's a high-speed process, so some sequins will have little tabs of excess plastic still on the sides, or their hole will have a tiny tab of plastic. Those get picked out with various processes, but there are usually some that slip through quality control and the cheaper the manufacturer, the less they care about it.