In the first pic I was extremely sedentary and had previously lost a lot of weight including significant amounts of muscle. I didn’t get any physical activity as gyms were still closed at the time and I don’t think I was working either. My diet was terrible, I basically starved myself all day and then ate chips and fast food at night. I was completely in denial about how unhealthy I was. My journey started with a love for cooking. I started making healthy meals full of protein, healthy carbs, and veggies multiple times a day. Eating consistently helped curb my snacking habits. I started a job in childcare which had me active on my feet and my step counts increased to probably 8-10k a day. I did not incorporate any calorie deficit, diet, or planned exercise at the time other than trying to eat healthy. About this time last year I started experimenting with actual planned exercise. I took work out classes like HIIT and barre and tried jogging but it didn’t really stick. About 6 months ago Is when I started focusing on lifting. I definitely had some newbie gains but wasn’t seeing the progress id like to. I just did a tiny deficit for 8 weeks and a high protein diet while incorporating progressive overload and training in a more science focused way. I’ve seen tons of strength gains but I think it’s too early to see results from that. In March I started an office job and I slowly started seeing my old habits creep back in. I’m better able to catch bad habits now and address them quickly. I make sure to go on walks during the day and meal prep balanced lunches. I drink coffee but opt for Americanos instead of sugary latte-type drinks. Prioritizing the gym is tough right now because I’m in full time university and full time work, but soon I’ll have more balance back. I’m gonna check back in about 6 months from now and see where I’m at!

Some people just have a heightened startle reflex. If my coworker even comes up to my cubicle to say hi I get startled.

All I know is that for me, quitting birth control essentially cured my vulvodynia.

I agree it’s likely PCOS, maybe consider taking inositol and berberine? Or asking doc about metformin?

You have to understand that the initial spark grows and turns into something more sustainable like a family type of love. Like a best friend. You have to choose to love. You cannot expect to have those feelings forever and if that’s your expectation for future relationships, they will end the same way.

If you can get something like a Siberian you might have better luck. I’m not allergic to mine at all, but I also got him by chance before I knew about how they are less allergenic. That’s a long time to be gone from a kitten, I’d recommend adopting a bonded pair. They will have better quality of life. There are ways to manage allergies through Flonase, adaptation over time, air purifiers, proper and regular cleaning, keeping them out of your room, getting a robot vacuum, and keeping them clean.

Just shaved 10 years off of your appearance. Hah.

I definitely feel like this and I realized I don’t like feeling smothered. I told him I don’t wanna text throughout the day as it’s distracting and honestly just annoys me. Like I’m in a meeting, or making dinner, or trying to decompress and the last thing I want is the obligation to write thoughtful lovely dovey replies to him.

My garmin says I average at like 2100 and I get anywhere from 8k to 12k steps per day, I lift 4 times a week, and I do hot yoga about once a week. I’m not a person who sits still very much, I have a desk job but I use public transit and go on a walk at lunch so I get activity throughout my day. I thought I was crazy because April Whitney was maintaining around 1700 and that seemed very very low to me and assumed I have been over eating.

I accidentally ended up with a Siberian and fell in love with the breed and realized I’m not allergic to it. I adore cats and if I can pay to not have allergies in the future I would, however I would check shelters for a while first and see if I can rescue first

The only thing that worked for my cat was clomicalm meds. He didn’t seem anxious either, just really really annoying. However, the meds have been life changing and his white blood cell count went back to normal. Previously his white blood cells were so high from stress it appeared he had an infection. He now sleeps through the night and takes a pill like a champ

Abby yung has some good recommendations but the L’Oréal ever pure volume or the Pantene volume are very good.

You might be better off creating a savings account for this in case it happens again. Same thing happened to my cat. We just add a ton of water to his food, a bladder health supplement, switched to urinary food, but him on stress meds, and keep his litter box very clean. He’s been okay so far. Also, look for symptoms before it gets to the point of a blockage in the future

I’d delete 2 and 5 and move 6 to the front

A proper clarifying shampoo and proper shampooing technique

Does his stomach seem to be in pain? If he loafing a lot or hiding? I’d bring him in as soon as possible and ask for X-rays, an ultrasound, and bloodwork. Not eating can be very dangerous for cats. It could be anything from a tummy ache to a stomach obstruction or pancreatitis but the only way to know is proper tests at the vet.

they should specifically look into the HAWCS because my gosh, they are so obnoxiously loud.

My brain fog prior to working out was awful. After working out consistently and eating clean I rarely get Brain fog. So, maybe?

I love my 2010. Very few issues