I mean, yeah, you definitely came in here trying to be abrasive with people, that was the entire point of your original comment, and now you're trying to play a victim like people were mean to you when you were the only one that was being mean and started in with personal insults because you didn't like being challenged on why you were being abrasive with people.

It's the hypocrisy and playing the victim that's working me up, not being insulted because someone else finds something I like annoying.

Okay, only because YOU called ME a dick, how was I mean to you???

At 5th grade, they're old enough to know right from wrong unless there's a cognitive disability

Absolutely disagree especially in the context of this thread. "Right" and "wrong" are social constructs and everybody needs to be taught them. Were taught in many different ways throughout our lives, but if a kid is coming from a home where violence is a thing, then they could very likely NOT understand that violence is wrong, because it's being taught at home. This is even true for adults, and we see it all the time. People might be told by wider society that it's not acceptable to throw rocks at people you don't agree with, but wider society also lets violent criminals get away with shit all the time. We like to pretend there's some ultimate pacifistic quality to human nature that means everyone knows right from wrong, but that's a very privileged perspective.

Lol says the person all worked up because someone found their favorite bird annoying 🤣

I mean, you weren't just loving on the birds. You were hating on people for finding them annoying. Are you literally so offended someone would be annoyed that you have to lecture them for saying it? They're not calling for the eradication of the species.

No worries, I knew what I was getting into when I said it lol but I appreciate your comment. I'm probably gonna go get In-N-Out today. Enjoy your fries!

There is literally ONE commentor calling them annoying, and most of the people calling them dumb are doing so in an endearing way, a la r/stupiddovenests. People can laugh about how ridiculous they look/act without wishing the species ill. Are you worried their feelings will get hurt?

Did the link not work at all for you? I can see the abstract when I click and there's a button lower down to download the whole PDF.

FYI your link worked for me. It might be a regional thing that's blocking people from viewing.

I knew it. I couldn't resist the bait. I love In-N-Out, but people do back flips through fire hoops to convince themselves and everyone else those fries are good and it makes me laugh. I get them being an acquired taste and having some local pride, but Jesus, there are so many examples of good fries out there that don't need to be extra crispy or covered in cheese, thousand island, and bacon to be good 🤣


The French fries, say whatever you will about them, are fresh cut on location.

The fries fucking suck. Weird styrofoam that turn to mush as soon as they're not piping hot.

Everything else is great.

Edit: Y'all. If you have to cook the fries until there's no moisture left or cover them in a bunch of other shit for them to be good, they're not good fries.

They are completely different other than both being scifi.

For many women who support Trump, it's an ego thing. It's the epitome of Pick Me-ism. They cream themselves imagining that they're special to these men because they're not like other girls.

The same person can also have different responses to different stimuli.

Which is sad because that reaction is the whole goal of this behavior. It's literally terrorism meant to scare people out of standing up for their beliefs.

Not the person you asked, but I've been growing out an undercut and my hair grew about 6 inches in one year. I think there's quite a variety to this kind of thing.

I also nowhere tried justifying such a thing because nowhere was I bad at speaking.

In the same comment as...

You're just unable to have higher reading function.

After saying

It's wishful thinking that people could change and take on a better form of conversation but instead people have nothing but negativity to throw so I'm gonna hit back with shade.


Seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

Your in characterizing people that disagree with you as having a hissy fit while complaining about people complaining instead of scrolling. Why did you not just scroll instead of complain?

And I'm still confused what you're trying to characterize as people trying to start fights. I thought it might have been the way the original comment characterized people as stupid for falling for fake content, which I can get behind, there are ways to complain without targeting people. But then you go on to lament how people aren't good at talking all while trying to justify you being bad at talking...

You literally sought it out in your original comment. You're doing nothing different than everyone you're complaining about.

It's wishful thinking that people could change and take on a better form of conversation but instead people have nothing but negativity to throw so I'm gonna hit back with shade.

Do you really, truly not see the irony in this statement? You do you, but you're being pretty hypocritical.

I don't see the difference in spirit between your gripe and the people in here you're complaining about, honestly. You're complaining that they're complaining. Why does complaining about something mean you're "ready to fight" and how is that different from your comment being ready to fight with people complaining?