I personally anticipate it to hit around 180 within two years.

Background: I am a bag holder of GME and CHWY.

Also be wary of the Filipinas hanging outside of train stations asking for donations or selling chocolates. I actually think they're worse than the Nigerians because they give attitude. Last time I was trying to walk away from one of them, they tsk at me out loud. The audacity, I swear.

I always ignore them too but some of them get too eager. One time one of them grabbed my shoulder because I was trying to walk away. I fkn yelled at him don't fkn touch me.

Not sure, but I think you have to meet certain requirements to get PR for the child.

Gusto. I order the kid's set for 280jpy using the coupon. You get a point for each set and can exchange for an anpanman item for like 3-5 points.

Right??? Anyway, I'm wondering if they're trying to play the victim card and take advantage of your kindness. I think you need to call the cops and show them that you're serious the next time they make a lot of noise, but make sure you have the documentation and recordings in case when the cops come and they're suddenly quiet. Because the last thing you want is them turning the cops against you, especially since you're a foreigner.

I think you should've told your building management company first. Then if that doesn't work, the next step would be to call police and do all that documenting stuff. Confronting directly is usually last resort, as in I've had enough and I'm so angry that I'm gonna march over right now and tell them to be quiet!

It's kind of interesting though, usually it's the other way around. As in you're supposed to be the angry neighbor getting mad at the family with kids for making too much noise and they're the victims posting on reddit on what to do.

Is your phone number listed on the delivery details? Otherwise, you could probably get away with it with just basic Japanese. Call the Sagawa location where it's stored. There should be details in the tracking details. You could just say something like "I forgot the room number in the address. The tracking number is XXX."

You get the revenue stamp (shunyu inshi) from either the post office or convenient store. Note that not all carry it, usually only the ones near an immigration bureau. You buy it at the post office or convenient store. Then you print out the certificate of payment of fee form, paste the stamp on there, and sign it.

Your mynumber card, JDL, or zairyo card should suffice if that's what the postcard says. Doubt your American driver's license will suffice, but you could just bring all the above to be safe.

"Investigations also revealed that the seatbelt was not fastened despite being seated in a child safety seat."

After you found the packets, did you try searching using the keywords from the listing? Maybe you can write the name here in Japanese and we can try to help search for you.

Use the image search function. You can use Google or even the Amazon app.

Sellers actually aren't allowed to request for 5 star reviews, but they are allowed to request for reviews. Amazon has been cracking down on this. If you want to do the right thing, then you can report the seller to Amazon. I don't think sellers can remove the reviews, but there's two types of reviews: Product review and Seller feedback. Make sure you don't mix up the two, otherwise it can get taken down (ex. leaving a product review on the seller feedback page).

Supermarket price increase has been happening awhile now, but recently my local barber increased their prices by 500jpy. Cut only...

Not sure, but anyone else received an email about the new points system? 1 point every 200 yen spent?!?! Unbelievable.

Go to a drug store. You can get baby powder or the jelly type like Vaseline.


You can approach this in several ways.

American approach: Tell them get out the f out of the way.

Hawaiian approach: Ask them nicely.

Japanese approach: Tell building management about it and have them deal with it. Building management might send flyers, post signs, or tell them directly. You never make direct contact with the japanese family.

I personally would go with the Hawaiian approach because you're in Hawaii.

I from Hawaii but currently live in Tokyo and have a kid here. Japan is so safe that parents just let their kids roam around freely. Drivers and bikers are forced to be extra careful.

Probably only had enough for 20 men. You can create a group of 36, but depending on your population and supplies, you may only have enough for 20.

The dopamine isn't as high because it feels like I cheated if I ask 😂

My local Round 1 has it but it's a claw machine only type as in no sports stuff.