I think Alfira and characters like her (Ranger on the bridge above the Gith patrol) would have made a good alternative to the mercenary system. People we can recruit to our camp and use in battle but don't have a super strong connection to the main story. I was playing Watchdogs Legion alongside BG3 for a bit and I loved how you could recruit anyone. A little of that would go a long way in BG3 I think.

I agree. I'm trying another playthrough now and I can't wait to get to act 3 but since I've been playing since early access launch, it's such a slog to get through act 1.

Specifically public buildings to prevent crowding in the case of emergency.

I think it's time to just say, "Touch Grass". You've spent the past three days living on reddit.

Nah dude. She definitely has plenty of scenes where the ass is almost non existent. Those couple of frames in the Apocalypse episode were drawn so intentionally they're almost out of place.

7-8 in my book. If you're looking for suggestions, I'd say drink more water, get more sleep. Face looks a little flushed so maybe less alcohol as well.

Don't put anything permanently on your face.

I've been scrolling this thread waiting to see someone bring up Skate or Die and just now Realized I was actually thinking about Skitchin'. That name was buried deep in my memory.

You misunderstand. It's ok for them to disrespect the flag. They're white.

Are you saying there's a FUNCTIONAL difference between shackled and handcuffs?

Shackles were used in real life slavery but we still use handcuffs.

You ever hear about people who are incredibly homophobic but then you later find out they're gay as hell?

What is that dog laying in/on?

That's why they do it. They know people will be too impatient and will buy it on console and then again on PC. It's basically their business model at this point.

Did you watch Assembled? There seems to be a lot of people who genuinely care about teh property. Even people who worked on the original series.